I'll post however I like, thanks. Geez, I deliberatly DIDN'T crosspost as
some people have a chip on their shoulder about it. And now you're moaning
because I didn't crosspost! You can't win. As I said, I'll post how I
There's a difference between crossposting and multiposting. Crossposting is
posting one message to multiple newsgroups at the same time. Multiposting is
posting the same message over and over to multiple newsgroups. If you
crosspost, once a message is read in one NG, it is marked as read in *all*
NG's. This is not true for multiposts. Multiposts are frowned upon in most
circumstances. In fact, I can't think of any time when it's not.
Crossposting is perfectly alright - provided that *all* groups you post to
are relevant. Crossposting is *not* OK when you post to groups and it would
require an OT: in one group. So in the future, if you must post to more than
one group, please crosspost. Only the people who don't know the difference
get pissed off, and they should learn how to use usenet before they get so
uptight. Just don't post to more than one NG if it's off topic for one of
those groups. That's all...carry on.