QT & Flash error?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dreamer
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I am not sure why this is happening or what I may have done to have this
happen. But when I go onto many site now that should be playing a Flash
movie, I am told to download the latest Flash. I click on the link, I am
shown an animation which says now installed, but still doesn't work on the
sites. I am now getting the same thing with QuickTime. I see what is
supposed to be QuickTime banner of such and when it is about to play, it
greys out with a question mark in front. I have been able to otherwise play
Flash games and movies. But any sites that start the movie immediately,
won't. Is there a setting that may have been messed up.

I run Windows XP Pro SP2, OE 6.x as well.

Thanks for considering the above.
reply to (e-mail address removed) if not in the newsgroup.

1. ActiveX controls may not load as expected in Internet Explorer due to
defense in depth changes introduced in cumulative security update 896688

Fix: http://patch-info.de/IE/Downloads/OLEfix.zip (OLEFix.reg) or
http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/kb896688_fix.zip (KB896688_fix.exe; a small
VB app that checks the 4 values and offers a repair option if any of them
are incorrect)

2. A Web page that contains a custom ActiveX control may not load as
in Internet Explorer due to defense in depth changes introduced in
cumulative security update 896688 (MS05-052)