QSetup Installation Suite

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Bohan
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Frank Bohan

QSetup Installation Suite

<quote> QSetup is today's most advanced Installation Software.

QSetup features novel technologies like:

Auto Update
Split Setup
Execution Engine
and much more...
QSetup offers a well balanced, intuitive and easy to use user interface.

Using QSetup you will be able to produce top quality, sophisticated and
dependable installation delivery in a very short period of time.

QSetup is FREE for independent software developers. </quote>

To learn more about QSetup Installation Suite go to:


Frank Bohan
¶ Men are like mascara: They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
Frank Bohan said:
QSetup is FREE for independent software developers. </quote>

It ain't freeware;

Is QSetup free or subject to payment?

"QSetup is NOT FREE!
QSetup is a Shareware program. You can use the DEMO version for evaluation
purposes with no time limitation. However when you decide to distribute
software or any other material using QSetup, you must purchase a license"

Comparison table



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!
Steven Burn said:
"QSetup is NOT FREE!
QSetup is a Shareware program. You can use the DEMO version for evaluation
purposes with no time limitation. However when you decide to distribute
software or any other material using QSetup, you must purchase a license"

Comparison table

A while ago I found a setup tool that made INF files with single exe
distribution. It was really kewl, but then my computer's hard drive died and
I lost it, and now I can't find it.

It wasn't INFTool. The author has a website with about a dozen freeware
tools which were nice. Wish I knew where it was.

scootgirl.com said:
A while ago I found a setup tool that made INF files with single exe
distribution. It was really kewl, but then my computer's hard drive died and
I lost it, and now I can't find it.

It wasn't INFTool. The author has a website with about a dozen freeware
tools which were nice. Wish I knew where it was.

Willypad and iPlus?

I recently had the one you're talking about. Now I can't remember what
the URL is. I'll see if I can track it down again for you.
