This has been OK for a long while until I added another HP printer a few
days ago.
Without checking I allocated the new printer (HPLJ5) the address n.n.n.50
and using the HP software (hpjsi.exe), I had no problems.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten that the QMS was already using that no.
No problem, I thought. I changed QMS to n.n.n.60 and can successfully ping
What I can't do however, is get the QMS Monitor to pick up the printer. On
re-instal it says it is off-line (it's on-line).
I have tried everything to get rid of QMSMON without success - access
Any help will be appreciated.
days ago.
Without checking I allocated the new printer (HPLJ5) the address n.n.n.50
and using the HP software (hpjsi.exe), I had no problems.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten that the QMS was already using that no.
No problem, I thought. I changed QMS to n.n.n.60 and can successfully ping
What I can't do however, is get the QMS Monitor to pick up the printer. On
re-instal it says it is off-line (it's on-line).
I have tried everything to get rid of QMSMON without success - access
Any help will be appreciated.