QFE Updates and AntiVirus

  • Thread starter Thread starter Huang Sheng-Chi
  • Start date Start date

Huang Sheng-Chi

Hi all,
Just came back from an informative "Premier Support Expert
Meeting for OEM (Tokyo)" session regarding Embedded OS
Security patch. Just like to report what I heard, and see
if others have comments:

1. Updating devices and QFE:
MS can only recommend updating devices and QFE for already
created systems via DUA. (but one needs a network, so
this is NG for us).

-SMS 2003
MS plans to have Systems Manamgement Server 2003 to
support updating WXPe and Windows CE devices and embedded
images. No details released yet.

-Batch File
One can also use a batch file to move and copy files.
(WXPe doesn't seem to compain if one moves or erases the
system files.) Also, one can use regedit to modify
registries. However, this is NOT the recommended method
1.1. No log files are created that can confirm the
updated files and registries were performed

1.2. Must verify and install other dependencies manually

2. AntiVirus
No official comments. Windows CE also have the same
problem. Also, many customers have voiced their concerns
already to MS Japan. Even if one made an AntiVirus
component for their WXPe system, there are no warranties
that can be made by either MS or AntiVirus maker. But
there is a *rumor* though that MS is asking a/some vendor
(s) to create AntiVirus components for Windows CE and
WXPe. Perhaps, this component will be released next year.

If MS is thinking about having an AntiVirus component, I
would like to request the following:
-Please consider EWF in the design (system automatically
COMMIT the updated virus definition files)

-One component to support ALL languages. AntiVirus
program should be able to scan files in different
languages (i.e. file names in Chinese, Korean, French,

Who told me the rumor? I must had a bad night sleep, and
dreamed all about it ;P

TGIF (from Japan)

Thanks for the info. On "AntiVirus", you mentioned "no
official comment". Was there any mention on being able to
use current AntiVirus software? I have seen (and I have
been responded to) that AntiVirus can be installed on
XPe. But, I have seen anything about performance issues,
image size increase, "official" word from AntiVirus
makers, etc.
