Q325208 - MX record !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Nguyen
  • Start date Start date

Bill Nguyen

I got this event log error message. A search pointed me to article Q325208.
I deleted the only MX record in the DNS (on a different server) and
restarted Netlogon on other servers (all domain controller) and still got
the same error message.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5774
Date: 9/15/2003
Time: 10:15:51 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MYSERVER
Registration of the DNS record
'4399b9d9-1aeb-4b95-a27a-1623865e90ae._msdcs.www.mydomain.com. 600 IN CNAME
myserver.www.mydomain.com.' failed with the following error:
DNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist.
0000: 30 23 00 00 0#..
Bill Nguyen said:
I got this event log error message. A search pointed me to article
Q325208. I deleted the only MX record in the DNS (on a different
server) and restarted Netlogon on other servers (all domain
controller) and still got the same error message.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5774
Date: 9/15/2003
Time: 10:15:51 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MYSERVER
Registration of the DNS record
'4399b9d9-1aeb-4b95-a27a-1623865e90ae._msdcs.www.mydomain.com. 600 IN
CNAME myserver.www.mydomain.com.' failed with the following error:
DNS RR set that ought to exist, does not exist.
0000: 30 23 00 00 0#..

A 5774 error is normally caused by using an external DNS address in your DC
and client IP properties. If so, the easy fix is to remove them, and ONLY
use your internal DNS server. This is AD's requirements. If using an ISP's
DNS, in IP properties, then numerous errors can occur.

If you need Internet resolution, configure a forwarder for internet
resolution under your DNS server properties. If the Forwarding option is
grayed out, delete the Root zone, close and reopen the DNS console and try
again. Both of these steps are outlined how to here:

More info about AD and DNS:


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory
Thanks for the tips.
It worked on machines with 2 NICs (I removed the external DNS address from
the internal NIC setup) but won't work on machines with 1 NIC and having 2
ip addresses (1 private, 1 public). As soon as I removed the external DNS
address, the machine cannot ping an external host.
In DNS forwarders, I have 2 ip addresses for my ISP's DNS's. What else do I
need to do to make the forwarder work?

"Ace Fekay [MVP]"
Bill Nguyen said:
Thanks for the tips.
It worked on machines with 2 NICs (I removed the external DNS address
from the internal NIC setup) but won't work on machines with 1 NIC
and having 2 ip addresses (1 private, 1 public). As soon as I removed
the external DNS address, the machine cannot ping an external host.
In DNS forwarders, I have 2 ip addresses for my ISP's DNS's. What
else do I need to do to make the forwarder work?

Internal domain the same name as a public domain?
Two methods to fix this:
1. Easy fix add the missing host (i.e. www, mail or whatever) to the
internal DNS FLZ with the public IP of the external host.
2. Most reliable add a delegation for the missing host giving the
Authoritative DNS servers (must use Authoritative just any external DNS
won't work)
Bill Nguyen said:
Thanks for the tips.
It worked on machines with 2 NICs (I removed the external DNS address from
the internal NIC setup)

Just from the internal NIC? You should have only your internal DNS on BOTH

but won't work on machines with 1 NIC and having 2
ip addresses (1 private, 1 public).

That's an unusual setup. So you mean you have a private IP range
(192.168.x.x) behind a router (not a NAT) but also have public IPs along
with the private IPs on select machines and not a NAT?
As soon as I removed the external DNS
address, the machine cannot ping an external host.

I'm not clear on this statement. You removed the external DNS address and it
won't ping an external host?

Did you put your internal DNS address in there or left it blank?
In DNS forwarders, I have 2 ip addresses for my ISP's DNS's. What else do I
need to do to make the forwarder work?

As long as you're using your own DNS in your configuration, and forwarders
are set, it should just work. I need a little clarification to understand
your topology and configuration with these IP ranges.


Please direct all replies to the newsgroup so all can benefit.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

is this problem suddenly happen to u?
i had the same problem a week ago, but my server
been running smoothly with the same settings for
abot 6 months and now this happen.

-----Original Message-----
I got this event log error message. A search pointed me to article Q325208.
I deleted the only MX record in the DNS (on a different server) and
restarted Netlogon on other servers (all domain controller) and still got
the same error message.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5774
Date: 9/15/2003
Time: 10:15:51 AM
User: N/A
Computer: MYSERVER
Registration of the DNS record
1623865e90ae._msdcs.www.mydomain.com. 600 IN CNAME