q: sites with flash



Our web site is developed by someone else and I see they used macromedia
flash player. Now sometimes on some computers the text in the flash do not
show up, and sometime it asks to download macromedia flash and it starts
showing the text. How does everyone else handle flash in their web sites, is
there any way we can force to download flash at the background?

Mark Fitzpatrick

No. As a security feature this has to be something that is allowed by the
user so that the browser doesn't install mallicious plug-ins. Part of the
problem is the developer who made the Flash created it for the most current
Flash player, not thinking that not all users have this player (or actually
just didn't think about the compatibility issue at all). It's possible that
targetting a Flash 6 or 7 format would alleviate many problems as almost 99%
of all Internet users have Flash installed already, they just might not have
the correct version.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply. My main problem, in some computer it does not ask to
download the flash, is there anything I can do in the code so that it will at
least ask users to download?

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