Q: Please tell me why this is not working.

  • Thread starter Visual Systems AB \(Martin Arvidsson\)
  • Start date

Visual Systems AB \(Martin Arvidsson\)


Enclosed code gives me a compiler error with the text

"Argument '1': cannot convert from 'System.Web.UI.ControlCollection' to
'System.Web.UI.Control'" and also

"The best overloaded method match for
'ArchitectDev.custdetail.AssignJavaScript(System.Web.UI.Control)' has some
invalid arguments"

<--- CODE START --->
private void AssignJavaScript(System.Web.UI.Control ctrl)
foreach(System.Web.UI.Control c in ctrl.Controls)
if(c is TextBox)
((TextBox)c).Attributes.Add("OnChange", "DoChange");
private void Page_Prerender(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
<---CODE END -->

Just cant understand why, its the this.Controls it doesn't like...

How can i add the Page_Prerender to the PreRender event?
Do i have to do it manually or can i select the function in a property

Should i set this in Page_Load?

Martin Arvidsson

Karl Seguin

this.Controls a ControlCollection, simply pass "this" since in your
AssignJavaScript function you are looking through the controlcollection of
the control you passed in.


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