Q on Microsoft (R) Firefox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Craig
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I am confused between the new IE7 and Mcrosoft (R) Firefox.
I did not know that Firefox was owned by Microsoft. If that is the case,
why does Microsoft issue two browser: IE7 and Firefox.
There must be a reason why, which I would like to hear.
Craig said:
I am confused between the new IE7 and Mcrosoft (R) Firefox.
I did not know that Firefox was owned by Microsoft. If that is the case,
why does Microsoft issue two browser: IE7 and Firefox.
There must be a reason why, which I would like to hear.
I don't know where you might have got the idea Firefox originated from
Microsoft! The Firefox browser is published by the Mozilla Foundation.
I saw Microsoft(R) Firefox 2007 Professional Edition webpage on
"del.icio.us" last week.
Because of the wording "Microsoft (R)", I thought that it must be IE7..
I almost thought about clicking and updating it but I expected an autoupdate
of IE7 soon.
So I did not bother clicking it.
Good to know it.

Please take a look at this link:

The title of the webpage is "Microsoft Firefox 2007 Professional Edition".
Is this link a fake? Craig

More like a humorous spoof. Perhaps poking fun at Firefox, more than at
Microsoft, considering that there were vulnerabilities found in Firefox 2.0
almost as soon as the Mozilla Foundation released it. After all, Firefox is
supposed to be the _secure_ browser; it is MS Internet Explorer which is
supposed to be so full of holes. (Well, it _is_ full of holes, and MSIE7
also was released with vulnerabilities; but that is another story for
another thread.)

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
N. Miller said:
More like a humorous spoof. Perhaps poking fun at Firefox, more than at
Microsoft, considering that there were vulnerabilities found in Firefox
almost as soon as the Mozilla Foundation released it. After all, Firefox
supposed to be the _secure_ browser; it is MS Internet Explorer which is
supposed to be so full of holes. (Well, it _is_ full of holes, and MSIE7
also was released with vulnerabilities; but that is another story for
another thread.)

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.

Vulnerability Report: Mozilla Firefox 2.x

Vulnerability Report: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x


Where did you hear/see that Firefox was owned by Microsoft? That is not

Gene K

I am confused between the new IE7 and Mcrosoft (R) Firefox.
I did not know that Firefox was owned by Microsoft. If that is the case,
why does Microsoft issue two browser: IE7 and Firefox.
There must be a reason why, which I would like to hear.