JD said:
When accessing another computer using a "Remote desktop connection", I
occasionally need to reboot (restart) the remote machine. Is it
possible? It seems that the "Restart" option is disabled from
anywhere, including the start menu and the task manager. Any help is
much apprecated.
You don't say how you're remoting, but most programs won't let you send
the shut down or restart commands for security reasons, plus they'll
often only be captured and used for your own machine.
Look for a special command to use in order to send a restart
command. In mine it's a function key.
Realize also that when it restarts, your connection to the other
machine is going to be gone (modems, routers etc. all reset too), so
unless you have it manned, it has to be set to allow you to reconnect
after the restart or to search out your own machine. There are
different methods for this too unless you have someone at the remote
machine to allow/deny the re-access for you. I'm assuming no one is
there since you want to do it remotely though.
I haven't looked thru the string of posts with JD but it doesn't look
solved yet so perhaps some of this will help you out.
Just how are you trying to set things up and is the other machine set up
to reaccess it?