Odie Ferrous said:
I used to find some of your answers to questions useful and informative.
However, you have developed such an antagonistic attitude that seems to
have degenerated over the past few months that, these days, I don't even
bother to read the bulk of your replies.
So how exactly do you know which ones contain the "sarcasm and downright arrogance" ......
They simply contain more sarcasm and downright arrogance than anything of interest.
.... since you seem to have a fine nose to still pick them out.
Guess "I don't even bother to read the bulk of your replies" is just
another of your usual lies then, eh.
People tend to post here asking for advice and, as is fairly natural
with most human beings, make incorrect statements based on their
level of understanding of their particular situation.
Far from being accommodating, you deride these individuals.
And now you're in the wrong thread too.
This thread is about people giving (false) advice, not those asking advice.
I never criticized Bob's questions (even though I question his motive).
I would suggest it's time for you to call it a day here - you are totally
missing the point about being "helpful"
My being helpful here is about pointing out the charlatans. If someone
wants to learn what exactly was wrong he/she can take my comments
to further investigate. I leave it to the nannies to do the spoonfeeding.
and you are seeking to assert
your (superior, I can't argue against that) knowledge
Good, then you know that my criticism of the poison feeders is usually
by bloating your replies with self-importance, to the exclusion of all else.
You obviously confuse me with Arnie (or Timmy).
My replies are never bloated, they are usually the absolute bare minimum.
And contrary to most others -and one person in particular- that have an
urge to rant, I usually reread mine before sending and even retract some
of them if I feel that an answer is superfluous or counter productive.
Btw, here is one post from you that I retracted my initial answer from:
Send me your drive. I'll probably get the 8GB back, plus EVERYTHING
that 8GB overwrote, plus the rest."
Nice one, Odie, you can do what no one else can do: You can not
only recover lost data but also the data that that 8GB overwrote.
Now I'm just waiting for "blabbermouth" Arnie to share his mutual
feelings with you and congratulate you with your great insights.