Jim Jones
I've decided to say screw the database I'd been working on for over a
year. Access can't seem to handle all the functions I need.
But I am starting a new database, with a completely new project.
I can't seem to get this simple calculation working.
I have a form. Just a form, with 2 unbound text fields.
One is where you type any number, and the other is supposed to return
a value depending on what you entered in field one.
Only the calculation is coming out wrong.
In the second text box, I have entered:
It's supposed to return the result of 5, if I enter 41 in the first
text box. But the formula above is returning 23.222222
Please help, ( that is, if Access can handle it),
I've decided to say screw the database I'd been working on for over a
year. Access can't seem to handle all the functions I need.
But I am starting a new database, with a completely new project.
I can't seem to get this simple calculation working.
I have a form. Just a form, with 2 unbound text fields.
One is where you type any number, and the other is supposed to return
a value depending on what you entered in field one.
Only the calculation is coming out wrong.
In the second text box, I have entered:
It's supposed to return the result of 5, if I enter 41 in the first
text box. But the formula above is returning 23.222222
Please help, ( that is, if Access can handle it),