Are the grey patches on a Q-60 supposed to be pure grey? ie, no hint of
color at all? The one I just purchased has quite a lot of cyan in the
lighter greys when viewed with the naked eye. How can you calibrate a
scanner when a grey target is not grey at all? Am I missing something
Before assigning my scanner profile patch #5 reads: R151, G181, B165
At the end of the day what I want to do is arrive at settings that I
can apply to every color scan that will remove any color bias
introduced by the scanner (Nikon super coolscan 4000)
Thanks for any help.
color at all? The one I just purchased has quite a lot of cyan in the
lighter greys when viewed with the naked eye. How can you calibrate a
scanner when a grey target is not grey at all? Am I missing something
Before assigning my scanner profile patch #5 reads: R151, G181, B165
no. 2" are these supposed to be pure grey?From my fine art prining days I have a Kodak "photographic step tablet
At the end of the day what I want to do is arrive at settings that I
can apply to every color scan that will remove any color bias
introduced by the scanner (Nikon super coolscan 4000)
Thanks for any help.