Putting XP on a Vista Machine



I bought a Vista machine when my motherboard burned out and I am having
problems playing music. I can hear the music just fine here on my
speakers, but I cannot broadcast it into the Chat room that I run. I
cannot even talk with my microphone in the room either.

I have been told that this is a Vista programming thing and that it
cannot be worked around. This seems to be rather odd, but after looking
and looking and trying every setting that I can think of I still am in
the same situation.

My main question is this. I have a brand new in the box XP SPII disk
that I bought last year as a just in case measure. Can I use this to
make my machine a Vista machine? Will the current Vista HD even accept
it? If not, do I get another HD and install it then boot it up with the
new CD?

My old HD is not a SATA drive so I cannot use it as my primary HD that I
know of. I had to use the old parallel cable from the old machine to
hook the old HD up as a slave to my motherboard.

I hope I have given enough information for anyone to review and make
suggestions. I am not a computer whiz, and I am not a dolt either but
this system is driving me nuts over one seemingly small detail. But
this detail is very important to me at this point in time.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated


Bill Yanaire

Look into Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. It is free and installs on Vista. You
can then install XP and run it as a virtual machine on your box. I did that
on my Vista PC and it works well.

John Barnes

You should be able to set any of your HD's as your first in boot priority.
Your inability to broadcast your music would be related to your drives or
broadcast program not being up to date or compatible with Vista. If you
install XP second, you will overwrite the Vista boot process unless you
disconnect the Vista boot drive before installing. You then could reset the
Vista drive as primary and run startup repair to add the XP system to the
boot process or just use BIOS select if your BIOS supports it


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