I have a Dell Inspiron running XP and a built-in wireless card, linksys router. Many times if I rouse my machine from hibernation mode (especially if Outlook was open when it went to sleep) I am unable to access the web, even though it appears I have an "excellent" connection. If I try to log on to Messenger I'm told "It appears you are behind a firewall..." which I am NOT. If I try to repair the connection, it churns for a while, then says it was unable to renew the IP address. If I go to the cmd screen and try ipconfig /renew or ipconfig /release, I'm told something like "this won't work while something's media is disconnected" (this appears to have something to do with my ethernet connection, which enjoys giving me the message "Network cable unplugged"). Sometimes if I disable the wireless connection and then enable it again, it works. Or not. Sometimes if I uncheck the "let Windows configure your connection" box and go to the Diagnostics tab and run those, it works (I usually leave this box unchecked, for this reason). Or not. If I shut down, it works, but it's incredibly annoying to have to do that multiple times a day. I want to be able to turn on my computer in the morning and work on it over the course of the day, not have to reboot every time. I would appreciate some help before I throw my machine out the window.