it's hard to research how to do something when you don't know the right
I want to put text on a photo and have it stay with that photo, I've also
seen photos on the internet with a name written across it in a kind of water
mark effect, the text is transparent but looks like it is raised.
A friend told me I can do this in word2003 and then store the photo back in
"my pictures" to put on the internet and I don't need to buy additional
software. If I can't do it in word can you tell me which digital software
would do it? I was looking at microsofts digital softwares but they are not
very specific about what you can do with it with text on the box. I have
Nikkon but the pictures I add text too are only readable in Nikkon.
I want to put text on a photo and have it stay with that photo, I've also
seen photos on the internet with a name written across it in a kind of water
mark effect, the text is transparent but looks like it is raised.
A friend told me I can do this in word2003 and then store the photo back in
"my pictures" to put on the internet and I don't need to buy additional
software. If I can't do it in word can you tell me which digital software
would do it? I was looking at microsofts digital softwares but they are not
very specific about what you can do with it with text on the box. I have
Nikkon but the pictures I add text too are only readable in Nikkon.