putting presentation on DVD



Hi there! I need help!!!!!! I am working on a musical slideshow for an
anniversary surprise for my grandparents 50th anniversary. We want to play
it at their party and I was wondering how I can put it on a DVD to play in a
DVD player. NO ONE seems to know. Please say you can give me advice. I love
powerpoint! I tried using other software and it is AWFUL! I also was
wondering if there is a way to fade music in and out on different slides?
Please help!


Well being new to this discussion I apologize for any inconvience I caused
you by answering my question. I will make sure from now on that I TAKE time
to read ALL the questions before I post one. Thanks anyways! --

Echo S said:
There are about a million posts on this newsgroup answering this question,
so somebody does know! (There's even a search box you can use at the top of
the page at
http://www.microsoft.com/office/com...?dg=microsoft.public.powerpoint&lang=en&cr=US )




lea03266 said:
Hi there! I need help!!!!!! I am working on a musical slideshow for an
anniversary surprise for my grandparents 50th anniversary. We want to play
it at their party and I was wondering how I can put it on a DVD to play in a
DVD player. NO ONE seems to know. Please say you can give me advice. I love
powerpoint! I tried using other software and it is AWFUL! I also was
wondering if there is a way to fade music in and out on different slides?
Please help!


Thank you for your advice. Being new to the discussion I didn't realize
there were a "million" answers according to the sarcastic answer from "echo".
I appreciate you taking the time to be nice enough to give me the link.
Thanks again!

Joe Fisher

Have you used Microsoft PhotoStory 3?
It's very intuitive to use, it automatically does transitions and music fade
outs (or if you want to do your own, there are gazillions to choose from)
If you want, you can put text on the slide like Powerpoint, it can actually
do much of what PP can do, only it's way easier to use, and it's free.:)
I did a DVD slide show with it not long ago.



Thank you so much for replying! I of course got a sarcastic answer from
someone! He/she never did answer my question! I do have Photo story 3 email



One thing I was wondering was can you import anything from powerpoint to
Photo Story? I never really went in and tried anything on it. I probably
should. Is it complicated to convert to a dvd? I am new at this stuff.
Sorry for all the questions. I really want this presentation to be nice. It
is really important to me. So far on pp I have over 400 slides. I am really
not looking forward to redoing everything from scratch if I can't convert. I
have so many pictures I am just afraid it will take days to get them
organized. I hope there is something.....if not I better get to work on this
:( Thanks so much again!!!

Joe Fisher

One thing I was wondering was can you import anything from powerpoint to
Photo Story?
I don't know. Experiment around, that's what I did in order to learn the
As to the sarcastic answer. Read it again, it wasn't sarcastic, or at least
not meant to be. Echo answers a bazillion posts on her a day, she's
incredibly knowledgable about PP.



I sure hope I took it the wrong way. I was only asking for help :)
A few people actually answered my question though. That was all I was
looking for.


TAJ Simmons said:

I doub't Echo was trying to be sarcastic (that's my job).


Echo S

I would be the sarcastic one if you chose to read my response that way. If
you'll reread the response, I gave you three links -- one to show you where
you can perform a PPT newsgroup search yourself and two to results for
searches regarding PPT to DVD (one on Google Groups and one on the very same
search mechanism I gave the link to). Those threads contain the same
information -- and more -- as this one.

As far as fading music in PPT, no you can't do that. PPT plays music "as
is." You'll need to use a sound editor to edit the sound.

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