Putting Access DB on the web



I have created a DB. That was cake.

I can put together a simple webpage using Frontpage. Never published one to
the web.

I want people to be able to search and retrieve records in my DB from it
from a website.

How do you make your DB accessible from the webpage? Software needed?
Hardware needed? A simple HOW-TO resource for someone who knows nothing about

Martin Walke

Hi Alamp,

You need to make your web page ASP and access the DB via ADO and a
connection string. Google for ASP and Access dbs. There'll be plenty of


Danny J. Lesandrini

Well, classic ASP is, IMHO, really cool and relatively simple. Here
are some resources that I've published.

Demo Access DB Form to convert your tables to ASP page

Article I explaining how to create a Web Datasheet using ASP

Article II explaining how to create a Web Datasheet using ASP

There are some utilities out there that will more or less convert your
Access database into a web app. My references above are crude, but
show you how the script and html might look. Knowledge of HTML and
web design would be helpful.

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