Put Data in DropDownList

  • Thread starter Thread starter ruca
  • Start date Start date


I have this in code:
I'm reading data from a .TXT file
Sub ProcessUser(txtLine)
On Error Resume Next

Dim p1, pos as Integer
Dim Cd, LineAux, NomeFunc, Pass, strLabel as String
Dim row as DataRow

p1 = instr(txtLine,",")
if p1>0 then
LineAux = mid(txtLine,p1+1)
pos = instr(LineAux,",")
NomeFunc = left(LineAux,pos-1)
Pass = mid(LineAux, pos+1)
'Response.Write CdFunc & "-" & NomeFunc & "-" & Pass
strLabel="CdRcs = "& "'" & Cd & "'"

row = table.NewRow()
row("CdRcs") = Cd
row("NmAbreviado") = NomeFunc
row("Key") = Pass


end if
End Sub

Function ler_users() As DataTable
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFicheiro, LerUser as Object

objFicheiro = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
LerUser = objFicheiro.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("func.txt"))

While not LerUser.AtEndOfStream
ProcessUser (LerUser.ReadLine)
End While

LerUser = nothing

return table
End Function

I want to put in a dropdownlist the name of people but I can't. For that I
have this:

asp:DropDownList id="cxFunc" runat="server" DataSource="<% # ler_users() %>"
DataTextField="NmAbreviado" DataMember="CdRcs" DataValueField="CdRcs"

Can you help me??? How can I put data in the dropdownlist????????????????
A couple ways
(1) You could databind it. Set the dropdowns.DataSource, DatatextField="SomeColumnName", and DataValueField="SomeColumnName", and then .DataBind(

(2) You could add to the items collection: Dropdown.Items.Add( ), or .AddAt(...

Tim Stal

----- ruca wrote: ----

I have this in code
I'm reading data from a .TXT fil
Sub ProcessUser(txtLine
On Error Resume Nex

Dim p1, pos as Intege
Dim Cd, LineAux, NomeFunc, Pass, strLabel as Strin
Dim row as DataRo

p1 = instr(txtLine,","
if p1>0 the
LineAux = mid(txtLine,p1+1
pos = instr(LineAux,","
NomeFunc = left(LineAux,pos-1
Pass = mid(LineAux, pos+1
'Response.Write CdFunc & "-" & NomeFunc & "-" & Pas
strLabel="CdRcs = "& "'" & Cd & "'

row = table.NewRow(
row("CdRcs") = C
row("NmAbreviado") = NomeFun
row("Key") = Pas


end i
End Su

Function ler_users() As DataTabl
On Error Resume Nex
Dim objFicheiro, LerUser as Objec

objFicheiro = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject"
LerUser = objFicheiro.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("func.txt")

While not LerUser.AtEndOfStrea
ProcessUser (LerUser.ReadLine
End Whil

LerUser = nothin

return tabl
End Functio

I want to put in a dropdownlist the name of people but I can't. For that
have this

asp:DropDownList id="cxFunc" runat="server" DataSource="<% # ler_users() %>
DataTextField="NmAbreviado" DataMember="CdRcs" DataValueField="CdRcs

Can you help me??? How can I put data in the dropdownlist???????????????

Thanks (if you help me
Hope this helps (if I help you

Here is how I populate a dropDownList with the US state abbreviations:

Protected ds As New DataSet

in the page load event|:

Protected ds As New DataSet
ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath(".") & "\states.xml")
Me.DropDownStateList.DataSource = ds
Me.DropDownStateList.DataTextField = "Field1"

And here is the structure of the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlns:od="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:officedata">
You should be able to replace

ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath(".") & "\states.xml")



The . (Current Directory) would be assumed in this case.