Hi I have this code in a Form's Load event, it's working
the thing that I want to do is put a space between the
fields [Nombre] and [ApeidoPaterno] If I put & " & " "
& " & instead of & send me a error 3075.
Thank in advance
Dim StrRecordKit As String
StrRecordKit = " SELECT TblKit.IdKit AS ID, [Nombre] &
[ApeidoPaterno] & [ApeidoMaterno] & [NumeroCelularAct]
AS Datos FROM TblKit"
Me.RecordSource = StrRecordKit
the thing that I want to do is put a space between the
fields [Nombre] and [ApeidoPaterno] If I put & " & " "
& " & instead of & send me a error 3075.
Thank in advance
Dim StrRecordKit As String
StrRecordKit = " SELECT TblKit.IdKit AS ID, [Nombre] &
[ApeidoPaterno] & [ApeidoMaterno] & [NumeroCelularAct]
AS Datos FROM TblKit"
Me.RecordSource = StrRecordKit