Put a quotation on my desktop

  • Thread starter Thread starter milt
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How do I put a famous quote, which I have, on my desktop so that I can see it
every time I start my computer? Thanks.
milt said:
How do I put a famous quote, which I have, on my desktop so that I can see
every time I start my computer? Thanks.

Open up your wallpaper file in MS Paint (or any graphics editor) and use the
Text tool.

Put a shortcut in 'start/all programs/startup' to this vbs file, edited to
contain your favorite quote text.

set wshell=createobject("wscript.shell")
wshell.popup "This is the text of my favorite quotation", 4, "Favorite
Quotation Popup",0
--end file--cut here--

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Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP
Thanks for a good and speedy response! I'm half way there. I edited the quote
to have a transparent background in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, saved the
file to my desktop (and subsequently to my Documents folder on C) and
uploaded to be my screensaver via the Control Panel/Appearance and
Personalization/Change Desktop Background in Vista Ultimate. I get a black
background for the screensaver with my quote in a white box. I want to have
the quote with a transparent background over the standard HP Dragon
wallpaper. How do I do that? When I uploaded via the Control Panel I lost the
transparent background I created with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. It turned
white. Even when I saved the Photoshop file as a .jpeg the same thing
happened. I cannot find an option to create the wallpaper directly from Adobe
Photoshop Elements 6. Thanks.
milt said:
Thanks for a good and speedy response! I'm half way there. I edited the
to have a transparent background in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, saved the
file to my desktop (and subsequently to my Documents folder on C) and
uploaded to be my screensaver via the Control Panel/Appearance and
Personalization/Change Desktop Background in Vista Ultimate. I get a black
background for the screensaver with my quote in a white box. I want to
the quote with a transparent background over the standard HP Dragon
wallpaper. How do I do that? When I uploaded via the Control Panel I lost
transparent background I created with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. It
white. Even when I saved the Photoshop file as a .jpeg the same thing
happened. I cannot find an option to create the wallpaper directly from
Photoshop Elements 6. Thanks.

I can't really make out what your issue is, or what you are trying to do.
If you just make some bullet-point statements, I might be able to figure it

Is the screensaver thing something separate?

Correction to my earlier post: I did find how to create the screen saver in
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 however it lost the transparent background in the
transfer and does not look as good as the screen saver I created using the
Control Panel. However even using the Control Panel I lose the transparent
background and the screen saver background is black, not the HP Dragon
wallpaper I like. How do I superimpose a quote on the standard wall paper I
like? Thanks.
milt said:
Thanks for a good and speedy response! I'm half way there. I edited the
to have a transparent background in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, saved the
file to my desktop (and subsequently to my Documents folder on C) and
uploaded to be my screensaver via the Control Panel/Appearance and
Personalization/Change Desktop Background in Vista Ultimate. I get a black
background for the screensaver with my quote in a white box. I want to
the quote with a transparent background over the standard HP Dragon
wallpaper. How do I do that? When I uploaded via the Control Panel I lost
transparent background I created with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6. It
white. Even when I saved the Photoshop file as a .jpeg the same thing
happened. I cannot find an option to create the wallpaper directly from
Photoshop Elements 6. Thanks.

Okay, I reread you message, and putting this screensaver complication to the
side, I think you may be having problems due to you not flattening your
layers, before making the wallpaper image file. This should have been done
automatically though, if you were saving a .bmp or .jpg, and if Photoshop
Elements does this in the same way as Photoshop, which is what I am used to.
Remember to rasterize your text, and flatten you layers.

Mark, Thanks for your reply. I have located the file you mention (Start/All
Programs/startup) but how do I insert the data you suggest? Not very smart
with the tech end of computers. Thanks.
milt said:
Correction to my earlier post: I did find how to create the screen saver
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 however it lost the transparent background in
transfer and does not look as good as the screen saver I created using the
Control Panel. However even using the Control Panel I lose the transparent
background and the screen saver background is black, not the HP Dragon
wallpaper I like. How do I superimpose a quote on the standard wall paper
like? Thanks.

Please give me your definitions of 'screensaver' and 'wallpaper', as I am
not understanding what you are trying to say very well.

I like the standard wall paper that came with my HP notebook. All I want to
do is to superimpose the quote over the wallpaper with a transparent
background so all I see is the quote itself not in any type of box over the
wall paper. Thanks.
I re-opened the quote file in Photoshop Elements 6 and when I flattened the
layer I lost the transparent background I need. It became a solid white.
milt said:
I like the standard wall paper that came with my HP notebook. All I want to
do is to superimpose the quote over the wallpaper with a transparent
background so all I see is the quote itself not in any type of box over
wall paper. Thanks.

This should is perfectly possible in Photoshop Elements, as long as you are
using the Text tool properly, and flatten the layers before you save as a
..bmp (.bmp will be slightly sharper than using .jpg, depending on what the
graphics file content it). Anti-aliasing on the Text tool will make the
text look better as well.

leap frog vista said:
the quotation you must put is

"those who want vista should be ready to lose much of their IQ, those who
use vista are already idiots"

Another quote you should be familiar with: "Those that post as 'leap frog
vista' are morons who don't know how to use vista"
milt said:
I re-opened the quote file in Photoshop Elements 6 and when I flattened the
layer I lost the transparent background I need. It became a solid white.

Then you did not have 'transparent' as your background colour when you were
using the Text tool. In Photoshop, it looks like a while square with a red
diagonal line across it. I am not sure about Photoshop Elements, but I
would assume that it would be the same.

I re-opened the quote file in Photoshop Elements 6 and when I flattened the
layer I lost the transparent background I need. It became a solid white.

The answers you've got so far are needlessly complicated and limit the
creatively you're trying to achieve. Following applies to Photoshop.
You need to modify to Element's tools set which should work in a
similar manner to Photoshop's.

First, lets see if I understand what you're trying to do. I'm assuming
you want to take a image you use as a screen saver or background and
add some quote to it that "floats" over the background without having
any background from the text layer show as that layer's background
color typically white. If so, keep reading.

1. open the image you wish to be the background in Photoshop (or

2. Use the text tool to write your Quote changing the text color,
font size and type to what you prefer. If you don't want the
text to be a solid color and have some of the background picture
bleed through the text, then adjust the text layer opacity level
using the slider that's in the Layers window at the top. I'll
assume that Elements has this feature.

3. Use the Move tool to position the text where you want it.

4. Once you're happy, have added any drop shadows, highlights,
lighting 3D effects,whatever other fancy effect you want go to the
Layers windows and select merge visible or flatten.

5. You now should have a combined image with your quote floating
above the background as you desire it.

6. Save as a suitable file type (jpg will work).

I'll further assume you already know how to convert this new image to
a Vista background or screen saver screen. If not, ask.
Right-click on Desktop, go Screen Saver, select "3D Text" in the Screen
Saver drop down list, then Settings, enter your own text (to replace
"Windows Vista..." and what ever other settings. I don't know how many
characters you can enter.