PUSH/PULL Model in C#



I remember making a client/server application using Java and CORBA
where the server was pushing any change data to all the clients.

I have not ventured the same area in C#. Is there a way to accomplish
the same push/pull client server in C# windows application? (With
purely C#, Don't have CORBA in my firm).

The Win app should update fields if it has already been updated by
another user. Have to take care of concurrency issues as well.

But taking one step a time... Pull model first.
Would really appreciate any help/suggestions/site/code snippet. Would
definitely want to clear my basics first.


I remember making a client/server application using Java and CORBA
where the server was pushing any change data to all the clients.

I have not ventured the same area in C#. Is there a way to accomplish
the same push/pull client server in C# windows application? (With
purely C#, Don't have CORBA in my firm).

The Win app should update fields if it has already been updated by
another user. Have to take care of concurrency issues as well.

But taking one step a time... Pull model first.
Would really appreciate any help/suggestions/site/code snippet. Would
definitely want to clear my basics first.

Take a look at the web services stuff. It might do what you want. You
will need to get hold of Microsofts Web Service Enhancements too (WSE
2.0 is for .NET 1.1 and 3.0 is for .NET 2.0). In there you use class
SoapSender and SoapReciever to pass messages around.


The above URL gives an example of an application that has client/server
communication with peer-to-peer communication.

It's far from perfect, but it's a damn good start.



Can I perform force auto refresh using WSE on the client if a any PUSH
from the server on updated data?


Can I perform force auto refresh using WSE on the client if a any PUSH
from the server on updated data?


Can I perform force auto refresh using WSE on the client if a any PUSH
from the server on updated data?

Depends how you write the code. Effectively everything becomes peers
rather than client/server. I can't say I've tried using the WSE
SoapReceiver class without IIS.


J-Integra Espresso allows for push/pull functionality between C# and
Java using IIOP. However, if you are using C# for both client and
server, then this won't apply to your case.

Shane Sauer
J-Integra Interoperability Solutions
When Web Services are not enough

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