Purchasing VISTA



I though TI read that licences of Vista include both 32 & 64 bit versions. I
received both when I purchased Ultimate for my main desktop.

When I purchased a Home Premium upgrade from the same Source , PC World in
the UK, I did not receive the 64 bit version and was told to apply to

s this kosher. Where do I apply please

Roger Stenson


Only the Ultimate retail version comes with both 32 bit and 64 bit
DVD's (and you are licensed to use one or the other, not both), all
other versions are not.

Robert Firth

Right, only Ultimate is sold with both the 32 bit and 64 bit version in the
package. For the other version, you have order them separately. You only pay
shipping (around $10 USD).

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
* http://www.WinVistaInfo.org *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

But the 32 bit DVD can be ordered for the other versions.
See my other post.


But the 32 bit DVD can be ordered for the other versions.
See my other post.

Understood -- and for something under $15 -- I'm aware of that, but
that is slim comfort to the 'I bought it and I want it NOW crowd'....

I was kind of disappointed when the MAPS distribution included only the
Business 32 DVD... After all, in the past MAPS included XP 64 and of
course we got the RC1 pair last summer. So it appears that the MAPS
program manager decided to 'thin out' the offering (without reducing
the price of MAPS).


You can order the 64bit versions from above. But DO NOT hold your breath i
ordered mine on Jan 31/07 now it's Feb 24/07 Still have not recieved the
disk. and many call's later still not here. Microsoft must use snail power to
ship items..
No, the problem is getting the truck driver supported with 64 bit....


So to switch to 64bit will cost me another full licence fee.
(I have purposely configured my Vsta machines for 64 bit but am holding out
till the security and driver situations move forward


No you wil not need to buy another licence, your existing licence will cover
you, Microsoft did not include the 64 bit version you have to pay another
13.00 cnd to get the 64 bit dvd, When i ordered i was told 4-10 days. day 25
as of now still no disk,
I bought vista for 64 bit thats what got me pissed, no 64 bit with O/S i
would not of bothered if i knew i was going to have all this hassel. Same
here i built this computer around 64 bit i have all the drivers, mcafee,and
other software ready and waiting to install for 64 bit.

What really blows my mind it the time it has taken for the 64 bit dvd to
arrive, i made an order from EB games, 31 hours it was at my door, that was

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