Puppy Linux


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone here use the Puppy Linux? I have my laptop loaded with Ubuntu and no more windows for me since about six months. I find Puppy Linux to be an excellent alternative to quick working. Ubuntu takes time to load as it is a full fledged operating system, Puppy comes on a cd and is just 94 MB for the whole thing, it runs entirely from Ram.

I use it when I am in the library for my break while in the field and it loads in just few seconds and I can check my mail in less than five minutes and off I go.

Anyone has any experience of using it?
Puppies (there is a whole litter of "puplets" available) are great. My favourite "mini-distro" is Slax, however. SliTaz is also worth mentioning; the .iso is ONLY 24.8 MB.

The important thing here is the "it runs entirely from Ram" bit. They're F-A-S-T.





Had a small play with DamSmall Linux an Slax an yer right they are fast. Both played nicely with several pc's. Urmas's link to the USB installs is worth checking out as with modern USB sticks having such larges capacites you can have an entire pc on a stick.

Say with a 4 GB stick, you put your small linux on, 100 MB, then you have 3.9 GB of storage. You could have your favourite music, some essential client files, room to store client files on the go,demos of your product, etc etc . Files could be linux or windows. The world is your oyster.

HOLD THE WEDDING! Looky what I found:


When you boot, the first thing you see is a beautiful startup screen where you can choose which live linux distribution to run. The current version of ULTILEX is 2.1.0 and it "wraps" the following live linux distributions:

  • Slax 6.0.9
  • Finnix 92.1
  • System Rescue CD 1.1.6
  • Puppy Linux 4.1.2
  • Damn Small Linux 4.1.10
One very interesting feature of ULTILEX is that you can easily install it on USB flash device and save the changes you've made durign the live session on it. You can modify files and even install/remove modules and all your changes are saved on the USB flash.

To install on USB flash device, follow these steps (applied from Slax):

  1. Copy all files and folders from the CD to the root folder of your USB flash device.
  2. Execute "/boot/bootinst.sh" (for Linux), or "\boot\bootinst.bat" (for Windows).
  3. That's all. You are ready to boot ULTILEX from your USB flash device! :)

From DistroWatch:
What is your preferred minimalist rescue system that you carry around in case a disaster strikes? The 50 MB Damn Small Linux? The administrator-friendly Finnix? The super-fast Puppy Linux? The KDE-based Slax? Or the Swiss army knife for your hard disks in SystemRescueCd? If you can't make up your mind, there is an excellent alternative for carrying five different live CDs: ULTILEX - the ULTImate Linux EXperience. ULTILEX isn't a distribution, but rather a single live CD that can boot any of the above-mentioned systems, and do much more. In fact, its GRUB boot menu caries a staggering 39 boot entries, including such useful gems as booting FreeDOS, running Smart Boot Manager or Ranish Partition Manager, executing a system or a hard disk diagnostic utility, cracking Windows NT passwords, wiping the hard disk, booting from a floppy disk or a selected hard disk, and of course running the popular Memtest86+ memory diagnostic tool. All the alternative options for booting the live distributions are also preserved. The tool is provided as a live CD image, but this can be easily transferred to a bootable USB device with an included script. This is a must-have CD for any system administrator or intermediate Linux user.

Sounds great . Would have liked to have seen Parted Magic included though. Yes I know the tools are included in SR CD. It is my favourite linux at the moment.
So on a 64 Gb stick you can have a full admin suite, full rescue service, and several favourite OS's and loads of room for files. We realy are the plug and play to go generation.

Penguins are free to roam

Microsops stay at home



There is no md5sum available on the download site.
No worries, though... here comes:
eebc2cce7ad38153f21a7a8bc8229635  ultilex-2.1.0.iso
