Puppy Linux


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I must admit to knowing NOTHING about Linux, other than it is an alternative to Windows. My Windows system works fine so there is no incentive for me to change - and as a non-techy it would be a hassle anyway.

However, I came across THIS and it seemed like a way of getting into my PC if Windows failed for any reason.

I wondered what other members felt about this and whether anyone feels it is worthwhile pursuing. Or are there other, simpler, ways of dealing with Windows failures? I suspect that it is perhaps not a brilliant idea afterall as I usually feel that if something is fantastic everyone would be using it. There are no threads here in PCR about it that I can find.

Anyone got any strong feelings on this?
I downloaded this several weeks ago, but with the intention of trying it out on an elderly laptop. Other stuff came up in-between though, which diverted me a bit, so haven't yet had the opportunity to try it out. I read up on it HERE where there is quite a lot of additional info - if that helps at all? Just bookmarked your link :thumb:
... are there other, simpler, ways of dealing with Windows failures?
well yes ...

Never leave ANYTHING of importance on any computer, then, providing you ain't got a hardware failure, a clean reinstall is one of the best. ;)

However, if you have lost access to the PC, and, left important data on it, you'll try anything to get it back. :D

That looks like a cool linux version if you want ot use it as a on the go type for moving between different pc's.

The Kanotix distro that I have started a thread on will run from a live cd and will enable you to access your windows partitions. You can read and write to NFTS windows partitions and can rescue information from them and transfer it to a pen drive etc.

Happy penguining, let us know how you get on.

nivrip said:
I must admit to knowing NOTHING about Linux, other than it is an alternative to Windows. My Windows system works fine so there is no incentive for me to change - and as a non-techy it would be a hassle anyway.

However, I came across THIS and it seemed like a way of getting into my PC if Windows failed for any reason.

I wondered what other members felt about this and whether anyone feels it is worthwhile pursuing. Or are there other, simpler, ways of dealing with Windows failures? I suspect that it is perhaps not a brilliant idea afterall as I usually feel that if something is fantastic everyone would be using it. There are no threads here in PCR about it that I can find.

Anyone got any strong feelings on this?
I think its good to have a boot cd with this or other Linux live cds. If your system crashes, like mine seems to a lot, you can still get online to pay bills etc... if modem or cable or dsl modems are supported. You can also burn a new live cd with all your settings saved so everything is ready after boot!