Puppy Linux 5.4.1


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Puppy Linux has come a long way and it is better than before with amazing flexibility. Considered one of the fastest operating systems. A single download good for both 32 and 64 bit architecture.

Here is a review to give you an idea of what has changed, what has improved and why you should give it a try!

Puppy Linux Review

Puppy Linux Download

Update: November 30 2012

Puppy 5.4.2 released and the ISO file (166 MB) can be downloaded here or there

Our own Floppybootstomp loves Puppy on a stick! :lol:
I have been playing with Puppy in Virtualbox, might install on laptop later
Give us an update as to your experience with this new version :)
Um, just to put the record straight I've never tried Puppy.

And after tonight (see other post) I may abandon Linux altogether, too much like hard work.

And, gotta say, not one version of Linux I've ever tried has been able to do all the things I do in MS Windows.

It hurts me to say that, it really does, but let's not get blinkered.

However, Linux does most things, does not cost a penny and does not employ Steve Balmer.

Give this Puppy a try, its already wagging its tail in anticipation. :D
Downloading as we type, plus the md5 sum check. I chose the Slacko Opera 4g version as I only have 2Gb RAM and I like the Opera browser. Can always load Libre Office and stuff after install.

I presume this is a 32 bit distro?

I tried Slacko in October and thought it was pretty darn neat. Fired up just fine on three different pc's.
Had a quick read but could not figure out if it is a 32 bit os, probably is.

Happy slacking mate. :D
Ran Western Digital diagnostic test software, both short and long tests, on 120Gb HDD - it passed.

Booted Puppy Slacko from CD, live version running, no sound. Audigy 2 card detected but not working. Tried all the options I could find within Puppy to enable soundcard - failed.

Installed Puppy to hard disk, message tells me it is now sucessfully installed to HDD.

It won't boot. At all. I'm not having a lot of luck, that's another OS I can write off.

I think I'm just about ready to throw in the towel....
Ran Western Digital diagnostic test software, both short and long tests, on 120Gb HDD - it passed.

Booted Puppy Slacko from CD, live version running, no sound. Audigy 2 card detected but not working. Tried all the options I could find within Puppy to enable soundcard - failed.

Installed Puppy to hard disk, message tells me it is now sucessfully installed to HDD.

It won't boot. At all. I'm not having a lot of luck, that's another OS I can write off.

I think I'm just about ready to throw in the towel....

Darn your having some bad luck Flops. I posted some possibly helpful info in your other thread.
Do you still have Mint on a hd ? :confused:
Yep, still got Mint on a HD. I was just looking at the machine and wondering whether to attempt to solve the soundcard prooblem now. I may do.

I keep thinking maybe it's a hardware prob but it's running Win XP ok and Mint works ok with Asus soundcard and onboard sound, so probably not.

I've decided to try and install Puppy Linux again using the 750Gb HDD.

Incidentally, the Puppy install procedure isn't that intuitive, made me think a bit a few times. For ease of install so far nothing has beat Mint.