Pulling my hair out...psycho computer



Hello all. This is my last resort before my computer takes a flying leap out
my back door and into the abyss of the back yard. Here is my problem that
hopefully some greatful soul will take the time to help me out with a
I can not open my "Add Hardware" in my control panel. Whenever I try to
open it, I get the message that states, "You can install only one device at a
time. Another device installation is underway, when it is finished you can
try this wizard again." I have tried everything to find the problem. I am
not trying to install any other hardware. Actually what I am doing is trying
to get into the add hardware so I can try installing my digital camera.
The only thing that really seems out of wack is when I go into the device
manager for Hardware in "My COmputer". Under the Other devices there is a
yellow question mark with 3 other yellow "Unknown Device" question marks
"tree'd" underneath.
Man...I hope someone can point me in the right direction...please! Thank
you for listening!


hi Theba,whle pulling ure hair out might take ure mind off the frustration
[and ure hair might grow back ] , maybe hanging out the "gone fishing" sign
would be a better idea / i might suggest going into ure adding and remove
programs and findidng anything u dont want or recognizse and removing
it,then cilck on the yellow ? to see if u can find out what's there / after
all that i would just open ure desktop and insert ure install disk and not go
to install hardware / I hope this migt be helpfull to you / I have some
problem also but today is another day of January thaw here in the depths of
cold Maine weather and i am going outside to do some projects and sit on the
deck with the dog and a magizine for a spell / take care and good luck

Kirk Lundgreen

Remove the yellow question marks and re-boot. They should re-load if
you actually have the hardware installed. Your camera should install
itself, unless it's drivers are not in the XP cab files, then it might
ask for your install disk.
Give that a whirl, but for installing your camera, turn off your
antivirus and/or pop-up blockers until you have it installed.

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