Pulling info from a directory listing to put into web page




I have no idea if this can be done in FrontPage or not. I've never really
used it.

What I have is a table that lists my documents. The first column is the
document number the second column is a detailed description of the document.
I need the third column to contain the date the file was last edited. This
is where I get in trouble.

That info changes all the time and I hate to always have to edit my web page
just to update the date. Is there a way to pull the information from a
standard directory listing and match up the document number to the filename
and then pull the date?

I may be posting in the wrong place, sorry if I am. I'm new to all of this.



Mike Mueller

Use the microsoft knowledge base article #224364.


: Hello,
: I have no idea if this can be done in FrontPage or not.
I've never really
: used it.
: What I have is a table that lists my documents. The first
column is the
: document number the second column is a detailed
description of the document.
: I need the third column to contain the date the file was
last edited. This
: is where I get in trouble.
: That info changes all the time and I hate to always have
to edit my web page
: just to update the date. Is there a way to pull the
information from a
: standard directory listing and match up the document
number to the filename
: and then pull the date?
: I may be posting in the wrong place, sorry if I am. I'm
new to all of this.
: Regards,
: Cindy


Thanks. I can see where this would solve my problem, but its entirely over
my head. Thanks anyway. I'll just continue to update it by hand for now.


Mike Mueller

It may be over your head in that you won't know how it
works, but; all it is very easy to implement. The only
requirements are that you are hosted on a windows server and
that directory browing is enabled.

1: Create a new web page, and go into html view. Delete all
of the code
2: Select and copy all the code from inside the grey box.
3: Open notepad. Paste the text. Select all and copy it.
4: Paste the text into your webpage, which should still be
in htm view
5: Save the page, as an active server page.


I just did this, file is called default.asp- here is what it



Cindy wrote:
: Thanks. I can see where this would solve my problem, but
: its entirely over my head. Thanks anyway. I'll just
: continue to update it by hand for now.
: Cindy
: "Mike Mueller" wrote:
:: Cindy-
:: Use the microsoft knowledge base article #224364.
:: Mike
:: message
::: Hello,
::: I have no idea if this can be done in FrontPage or not.
:: I've never really
::: used it.
::: What I have is a table that lists my documents. The
::: first
:: column is the
::: document number the second column is a detailed
:: description of the document.
::: I need the third column to contain the date the file was
:: last edited. This
::: is where I get in trouble.
::: That info changes all the time and I hate to always have
:: to edit my web page
::: just to update the date. Is there a way to pull the
:: information from a
::: standard directory listing and match up the document
:: number to the filename
::: and then pull the date?
::: I may be posting in the wrong place, sorry if I am. I'm
:: new to all of this.
::: Regards,
::: Cindy

Thomas A. Rowe


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Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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