Phobos said:
You can use redirection in DOS to re-direct output to a file rather than the
default display device, the syntax for a dir command is:
dir a: >> textfile.txt
You could then import this file into Access.
JohnV said:
I want to pull directory information into Access to do
week to week comparisons. I have a number of files that
get populated. In DOS I my command looks like:
g:\data dir /s [filename].xls
I gather the following information:
1. Count of Files
2. Size of each file
3. Date/Time of each file
Is there a way to run this command and grab the input into
an array (or the result of any similar command)? I want
to populate a table for historical tracking.
You could also do this in Access, using built-in functions:
Public Sub sFileInfo(strFolder As String)
' Procedure to get files in a directory, together with size (in
bytes) and file date/time
' Accepts:
' strFolder - The name of the folder to start at
' On Error GoTo E_Handle
Dim astrFile() As String ' Array to hold file names
Dim alngFileSize() As Long ' Array to hold size of files
Dim adtmFileTime() As Date ' Array to hold the date of files
Dim strFile As String
Dim intLoop As Integer
If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "/" Then strFolder = strFolder & "/"
intLoop = 1
ReDim astrFile(1 To 100)
ReDim alngFileSize(1 To 100)
ReDim adtmFileTime(1 To 100)
strFile = Dir(strFolder, vbNormal)
Do Until strFile = ""
astrFile(intLoop) = strFolder & strFile
alngFileSize(intLoop) = FileLen(astrFile(intLoop))
adtmFileTime(intLoop) = FileDateTime(astrFile(intLoop))
intLoop = intLoop + 1
strFile = Dir
ReDim Preserve astrFile(1 To intLoop - 1)
ReDim Preserve alngFileSize(1 To intLoop - 1)
ReDim Preserve adtmFileTime(1 To intLoop - 1)
' Now just display the information found
Debug.Print intLoop - 1 & " files in " & strFolder
For intLoop = 1 To UBound(astrFile)
Debug.Print astrFile(intLoop) & vbTab & alngFileSize(intLoop)
& vbTab & adtmFileTime(intLoop)
Next intLoop
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "sFileInfo", vbOKOnly +
vbCritical, "Error: " & Err.Number
Resume sExit
End Sub
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