I have a spreadsheet where I use formulas to pull data from multiple
reports on a shared server everyday. What I do is to save those
reports under a certain name everyday since the formulas have to have
the static report name in them to pull data. (For example, A1 may pull
data from c:\reportfolder\reportA, B1 may pull from c:
\reportfolder2\reportB, etc). In these report folders our IT group
runs a new report in it everyday but of course they change the name of
the report every day (to reflect the date) . . so in the reportfolder
there will be "reportA-3-12-2009", and "reportA-3-13-2009", and
"reportA-3-14-2009, etc). What I would like is to have a formula that
pulls it's data from the most recent one. Is it possible?
Thank you
I have a spreadsheet where I use formulas to pull data from multiple
reports on a shared server everyday. What I do is to save those
reports under a certain name everyday since the formulas have to have
the static report name in them to pull data. (For example, A1 may pull
data from c:\reportfolder\reportA, B1 may pull from c:
\reportfolder2\reportB, etc). In these report folders our IT group
runs a new report in it everyday but of course they change the name of
the report every day (to reflect the date) . . so in the reportfolder
there will be "reportA-3-12-2009", and "reportA-3-13-2009", and
"reportA-3-14-2009, etc). What I would like is to have a formula that
pulls it's data from the most recent one. Is it possible?
Thank you