Pull values from mail fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pete
  • Start date Start date



On a form I would like to pull a value from the "FROM"
field into a textbox so that I can move that value from
one form to another response form. How can I do this ?


Hi Susan,

On the form is a mail FROM field that I should be able
to get its value and assign directly to a textbox. Can't
that be done in script maybe. If so what event can I use
to assign FROM Field to my textbox field? What's the
syntax for this to occur?

MyTextBox.value = FROMFieldName.Text

Is this the correct syntax to use?


-----Original Message-----
In Outlook 2003, you can use the
MailItem.SenderEmailAddress, but note that
It's Sue, not Susan.

My previous message told you how to get the From address. If you want to add
that information to another item, you should set the appropriate property in
that item, not set the value of a control. See
http://www.outlookcode.com/d/propsyntax.htm if you are unfamiliar with
Outlook property syntax. (That page will also give you the correct syntax
for working with Outlook controls and their properties.)

What event you use depends on *when* you want this copying to take place. In
other words, in response to what user action do you want to copy this

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers