My web site is www.ehframingdesigning.com. I was doing some updates and when
I published it some of the folders' name at the top of the page disapeared.
On my computer, front page, I have under the "local web site" (my computer)
folder the complete web site, which is corrected. But when I click on front
page and then "remote web site" folder and I try to publish again from "local
web site" to "remote web site" there is a colun on the local web site that
says some files are "unmatched" and some are "unchanged". Those that are
"unmatched" are missing in my web site published. Even if I try to publish
again, by choosing the option "overwrite files" it runs the publish, but
seems not be overwriting, since I have the correct web site on my computer
and the missing files published. Please help me.
I published it some of the folders' name at the top of the page disapeared.
On my computer, front page, I have under the "local web site" (my computer)
folder the complete web site, which is corrected. But when I click on front
page and then "remote web site" folder and I try to publish again from "local
web site" to "remote web site" there is a colun on the local web site that
says some files are "unmatched" and some are "unchanged". Those that are
"unmatched" are missing in my web site published. Even if I try to publish
again, by choosing the option "overwrite files" it runs the publish, but
seems not be overwriting, since I have the correct web site on my computer
and the missing files published. Please help me.