Cydney Nakama
I finally got my Power Point presentation to work
smoothly after countless tries. (Thanks in large part to
the MVPs) Now, I want to publish my presentation on my
website. I successfully saved my presentation in html
form. However, I discovered that the sound does not play.
I used a method described on this website:
http://www.powerpointanswers.com/article1018.html After
doing this to my presentation, the sound still does not
play and it only shows the first slide.
I checked numerous times to see if my code was correct
and it is as is mentioned on the above site. When I open
the html file of the presentation it work flawlessly. If
you want to view the non-working version of my show,
please go to:
http://www.sexywahine.150m.com/SlideShow_04.htm, then
click on Introduction. Please help me. This is the last
step I would like to accomplish. Thanks!
I finally got my Power Point presentation to work
smoothly after countless tries. (Thanks in large part to
the MVPs) Now, I want to publish my presentation on my
website. I successfully saved my presentation in html
form. However, I discovered that the sound does not play.
I used a method described on this website:
http://www.powerpointanswers.com/article1018.html After
doing this to my presentation, the sound still does not
play and it only shows the first slide.
I checked numerous times to see if my code was correct
and it is as is mentioned on the above site. When I open
the html file of the presentation it work flawlessly. If
you want to view the non-working version of my show,
please go to:
http://www.sexywahine.150m.com/SlideShow_04.htm, then
click on Introduction. Please help me. This is the last
step I would like to accomplish. Thanks!