Publishing PowerPoint on Website

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cydney Nakama
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Cydney Nakama


I finally got my Power Point presentation to work
smoothly after countless tries. (Thanks in large part to
the MVPs) Now, I want to publish my presentation on my
website. I successfully saved my presentation in html
form. However, I discovered that the sound does not play.

I used a method described on this website: After
doing this to my presentation, the sound still does not
play and it only shows the first slide.

I checked numerous times to see if my code was correct
and it is as is mentioned on the above site. When I open
the html file of the presentation it work flawlessly. If
you want to view the non-working version of my show,
please go to:, then
click on Introduction. Please help me. This is the last
step I would like to accomplish. Thanks!
This should help.
Sounds won't play across multiple slides on the web

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]


I finally got my Power Point presentation to work
smoothly after countless tries. (Thanks in large part to
the MVPs) Now, I want to publish my presentation on my
website. I successfully saved my presentation in html
form. However, I discovered that the sound does not play.

I used a method described on this website: After
doing this to my presentation, the sound still does not
play and it only shows the first slide.

I checked numerous times to see if my code was correct
and it is as is mentioned on the above site. When I open
the html file of the presentation it work flawlessly. If
you want to view the non-working version of my show,
please go to:, then
click on Introduction. Please help me. This is the last
step I would like to accomplish. Thanks!
You're using a free web host that puts your content inside their own frame
setup so they can include ads and such. PowerPoint's html also depends on
frames to work. It might well be that the different frame sets are messing one
another up.

Do you have a way to post the same html to another site w/o frames?


I finally got my Power Point presentation to work
smoothly after countless tries. (Thanks in large part to
the MVPs) Now, I want to publish my presentation on my
website. I successfully saved my presentation in html
form. However, I discovered that the sound does not play.

I used a method described on this website: After
doing this to my presentation, the sound still does not
play and it only shows the first slide.

I checked numerous times to see if my code was correct
and it is as is mentioned on the above site. When I open
the html file of the presentation it work flawlessly. If
you want to view the non-working version of my show,
please go to:, then
click on Introduction. Please help me. This is the last
step I would like to accomplish. Thanks!

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA