I have a site which was built and published with FrontPage 2002. Locally (on
my computer), I have just finished updating my site files (deleting files,
adding files, changing files, changing file names, and anything else you can
imagine). I have pretty much rewriiten the entire site. I really do not
need to use or save any of the files that are on my host's server at present.
What is the best way to go about publishing my updated files and deleting
the old files? Also, I noticed that on my updated files to be published,
the index page extension is .htm while the already published files has two
index files, one with an extension of .htm and the other with .html. That
sounds like trouble. What do I need to worry about regarding that
my computer), I have just finished updating my site files (deleting files,
adding files, changing files, changing file names, and anything else you can
imagine). I have pretty much rewriiten the entire site. I really do not
need to use or save any of the files that are on my host's server at present.
What is the best way to go about publishing my updated files and deleting
the old files? Also, I noticed that on my updated files to be published,
the index page extension is .htm while the already published files has two
index files, one with an extension of .htm and the other with .html. That
sounds like trouble. What do I need to worry about regarding that