It looks like your web host has "allow directory browsing" turned on OR the
name you gave your home page isn't correct. The name of the "home pages" is
set by the server and is usually index.htm. index.html, default.htm, or
default.html. When I go to your site I see a directory listing of files
It looks like you named your home page index.htm because when I click on it
I see the home page (, however
that may not be the correct home page name. Contact your web host and ask
them what the default home page name should be or ask then to turn off
directory browsing if it IS supposed to be index.htm. Once you know the
correct home page name then open your web in FrontPage and rename index.htm
to whatever they tell you it should be. FrontPage will update all the links
to the home page for you. Then republish the site.