Publisher document

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I have a website created in FrontPage 2003. I also have a newsletter
created in Publisher 2003. I would like this publication to be brought into
the website as its own page. I would then like to add a link on the home
page to this newsletter. Any guidance on this issue.
personally I would convert the publisher file to acrobat because that is a
standard file format that most people can read

if you then import or copy the acrobat file into your web and incorporate a
link to it, it will open within IE

Publisher can create html files, so it does not need to be
converted- but they suffer from code bloat and the vml (eg
WordArt, ClipArt) will only render in IE, with cheesy gifs
in alternative browsers.

Another option added in either the 02 or 03 versions was to
save the publication as an image (i believe jpg).

What would I do? I would print it to acrobat and save as an
image. I would shrink the image and place on the home page
for the link, and link to the PDF.

: personally I would convert the publisher file to acrobat
because that is a
: standard file format that most people can read
: if you then import or copy the acrobat file into your web
and incorporate a
: link to it, it will open within IE
: Cheers
: "Maurice" wrote:
: > Greetings:
: >
: > I have a website created in FrontPage 2003. I also
have a newsletter
: > created in Publisher 2003. I would like this
publication to be brought into
: > the website as its own page. I would then like to add a
link on the home
: > page to this newsletter. Any guidance on this issue.
you could export the publisher newsletter as a pdf file, then import it into
Frontpage web, and link to it.