Since you published this ( I almost always Advance Assign my Office GPOs )
then I know that you linked the GPO to an OU in which the user account
objects are located. You can not publish applications to the computer
configuration side of things....
You make a very general statement "Worked great - but only installed for one
user". That would imply that it did not install for a lot of other users?
What errors are you seeing? Have you looked at the Event Logs on the
systems where the GPO did not install? What do you see there? Have you
installed GPOTOOL on a Domain Controller to see if anything pops up there?
How about GPRESULT on the local workstations to see if anything pops up
As with all Active Directory questions, is DNS correct ( meaning, pointing
to your internal DNS Server(s) and not to any ISP DNS Server(s))?
Here are the links:
I think that there might be a problem getting all of the Outlook settings in
there unless the user is a member of the local computer's Administrators
group....but I might be wrong here.
Mike, please excuse this next question. I am not trying to tell anyone how
to do things.
Your wish for the techs to be able to go to each workstation and install
Office for all users is a bit misguided, I believe. I would suggest that if
you want this then you might as well simply install from an Administrative
Installation or from the CD Media itself. This defeats the purpose of using
Group Policy. When I use GPO to deploy Office with the .mst file I usually
Advanced Assign it to the user configuration side of things and link it to
the appropriate OU. When the affected users log on then everything is done.
All they need to do is to either try to open a Word Document or Excel
Spreadsheet or double-click on the icons and walla! Well, the Spell Checker
is not installed and the Help files are not installed....small things like
this. But that simply takes one click. This sounds like what you want
accomplished. Why would you publish this application if you ultimately
want it installed for everyone? Not to mention, publishing the app requires
user intervention...
I am not trying to be critical. I am trying to figure out your thought
process - or what you are trying to accomplish. Again, please do not
misunderstand my question. I am simply trying to help you accomplish what
you are trying to accomplish.