Hi Laurence,
This might be a double post. I hit enter and everything went to crap.
If so i cant remember where i was so i'll reply again. Its late so im
just going to do a code dump of what i think you want.
1. Remove the Enum from ur class and define it separately
Public Enum FadeDirection As Integer
FadeIn = 1
FadeOut = 2
End Enum
2. We're going to gut AboutBox, it does nothing. Put the following
into frmAbout
Private _fadeDirection As FadeDirection
Property FadeDirection() As FadeDirection
Return _fadeDirection
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As FadeDirection)
_fadeDirection = Value
End Set
End Property
3. Change frmAbout Constructor to whats below plus what you have for
Public Sub New(ByVal TheApp As
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo, ByVal fadeDirection As
FadeDirection, Title as String)
With Me
.lblProductName.Text = TheApp.ProductName
.lblCompanyName.Text = TheApp.CompanyName
.lblVersion.Text = TheApp.ProductVersion
.lblComment.Text = TheApp.Comments
.lblFileDescription.Text = TheApp.FileDescription
.lblExeName.Text = TheApp.FileName
.lblLegalCopyright.Text = TheApp.LegalCopyright()
.Text = Title
.FadeDirection = fadeDirection
.tmrFade.Enabled = True
End With
End Sub
4. Do this whereever you need too
Dim frmAboutObj As New frmAbout(theApp, FadeDirection.FadeIn,
5. Note im not sure how important ur timing is with
..tmrFade.Enabled = True
thats for you to decide, if u note the diff between original code and
6. Throw away the rest of that AboutBox class. It does nothing.
*Im going home *