OK this is what I want:
One Pc with tuner card
Just Public Channels
Complettly PC base
Big Ass Monitor
I know i can do this if I had cable but I dont watch that much Tv to pay for
something i will not use that much. Perrty much this pc will then for my
media music dvds and tv all in one. Building the pc will not be a problem
what will is if i build and find out i cant do all i want. So sugestions you
can offer to make this work. Thanks in Advanced
BIG ASS monitor. Not sure technically how big that is but...........
Prices are really coming down. Its still expensive though for a PC
monitor thats big ass. People have been getting widescreen ones in
the 20-24" range from DELL , Gateway etc. I think prices have ranged
from 500-800 or so. Ive seen some cheaper widescreens that were
The real deal here is LCD TVs. The Syntax Olevia 26" HDTV LCD is whats
been on sale and several other generic firms selling similar models at
Microcenter , Costco etc. The Syntax has been on sale at Office depot,
Microcenter, Circuit City and Compusa for $499 after a hefty 200
rebate usually since Nov.
Compusa has been having a sale on them the last few weeks. The HVX
model which is better than the HVE . I think in fact last week they
were having the sale again. You never know when these will end though.
Compusa or anyone else may not have another sale like this for a
I love it. Its big and great for HDTV. The caveat here is LCD tv dont
have as high resolution. This one is 1366 x 768 I think. Kind of
oddball but many TVs are around there or lower. Fine for TV but low
for a big widescreen PC which may have 1600x1200 or so.
Im actually using it for a PC screen right now though I still have my
Viewsonic 19". Like Ive mentioned if you do serious graphics work
layouts etc get a PC monitor but for everyday use its actually not
bad at all.
PC you can build one - AMD X2 3800 or single AMD 3200 is fine.
Or there are many DELL deals and deals at your local ODepot , CC or
COmpusa almost every other week.
TV tuner ---- the Hauppauge 150 or ATI 550 theater chip based card is
fine. If you want the whole package with remote ---- Id have to say
the ATI if you get one of the 80 buck retail packs is cheaper and some
reviews say it has better image quality. I think most of the ATIs come
with Power Cinema from the makers of the older POWERVCR not the best
The 150 is fine though but the retail pack is usually around 99 or so
that comes with software and remote. Im not sure what software it
comes with but it may be some proprietary prog.
Theres a whitebox OEM version at Buy.com for 65 but its only the card
and drivers. No remote or software. You can use GBPVR a very good free
program you can download .
The most acclaimed software to use with your TV tuner is MCE win and
Beyond TV which is another $50 I think. Sage TV gets good reviews
Since you only want PUBLIC channels --- these only get the analog
channels. If you want the digital channels you need a cable box.
If you want HDTV even OTA with antenna ---- you need to get ANOTHER
CARD. A HDTV digital card. These have come down in price and theres
the ATI card as well as tons of other cards.