Public Folder usage for shared Calendar?

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We are on a 2003 Exchange Server, and I was wondering, if under the Public
Folder in Outlook we can create a calendar visible to all users or defind
users. Will this be possible, and how would I go about setting this up?
Cynthia said:
We are on a 2003 Exchange Server, and I was wondering, if under the
Public Folder in Outlook we can create a calendar visible to all
users or defind users. Will this be possible, and how would I go
about setting this up?

It's absolutely possible because the company for which I work uses it. Each
department has its own public folder calendar. However, I'm not an Exchange
admin, so I don't know how to set it up. The people who visit
news:// , however, will,
and I've set the followup for this message to that group.
Aside from that, when you create a new public folder using Outlook, you are
prompted to define the type of content that public folder will contain. If
you choose "Calendar", then the new public folder will be a calendar. As
far as setting permissions, you can do that as well. Once you've created
the public folder, go to the properties, permissions tab, and you'll be able
to see the different types of permissions that are available.

Ben Winzenz
Exchange MVP
Read my blog! (RSS Feed)
Yeah - if you want to pay for it. It all depends on what functionality you
want. If all you want is the ability to create a public calendar that lots
of people can access (and add items to), then something like that product is
WAY overkill, especially since you can do it natively.

Ben Winzenz
Exchange MVP
Read my blog! (RSS Feed)