JapanJews on Mars
I use Outlook Express about a decade by now, as a major personal e-mail
client of mine!
To be absolutely honest, all my most private and business e-mails are
archived in it, in all this decade. Well, not all of them, quite
occasionally I erase funny attachments, stuff that use most of the size of
this e-mail database of mine...
So, in a decade I accumulate some 700MB of the cumulative e-mail database!
- Yes, Outlook Express is still surprisingly fast, believe me or not, well,
I still did not rich 2GB size limit problem...
- And I had newer ever have problems with it, corrupt e-mail database, or
any similar!!!
- And I know that someone will be shocked with this of my testimony and size
But, I attend and want that my important and very personal e-mails be
offline, and not on some XY Server in some XY country.
Call me paranoid about "Big Brother", call me old fashion, call me ignorant
about data safety and advances known today about keeping e-mails on some
Secure double HDD safe-backuped Server far, far away, but, disregard
everything, I regularly, one time in a month, backup my e-mails on my PC,
and I still want to do that on this way...
Disregard everything that I wrote...
First in Win Vista you stripped from Windows Mail the "Contacts Layout" -
even that was catastrophic enough - it crippled me and slower me by 50% all
this time till today!
Than you offered the more crippled gadget for this kind of purpose, which
was very bad actually - for e.g., I do not like the idea, that, just
everybody can see just every time at my screen, in any place that I travel /
go with my laptop, a personal names of my friends, collages, etc..., in a
direct gadget over my Screen, and second, well, this gadget limit size by
80% of our Contacts on the screen...
Now, when I finally though that Windows 7 will finally clean puberty
escapades of Microsoft software developers that eat to much sugar and
implode in their excessive art gift nature, you brink the No more MS
Outlook Express / MS Windows Mail - the MS WLM or MS Outlook rulez ONLY, at
least concerning our Software products directly!!!
I mean, what will be next that you will strip that we use for years by now!?
Well, people sometimes like changes in IT, but, as long you do not use their
conformity and took again the precious time for learning, work with
something that works flawlessly for years / decade by now. - instead of
that, give the possibility to have the previous way of doing things, and
newest way, so let them to decide at their end computer just every single
time with your finished product - The OS. Do not took them a leg, instead of
that, let them to decide whether they will walk still with two of them, or
even more of them!
Also, I know that it is not a theme here to talking about that, but, the
some "drawing" Wallpapers (newly named officially as "Backgrounds"), that
you deploy with Win7 RC is, honestly, offal. - Those "plastic babies" for
e.g. are even scary for some children!
This art expression backgrounds in generally are a little bit odd in fact...
Question for Microsoft workers - I presume that some of this backgrounds is
made for children, well, do any Microsoft worker have a child actually?
Go put your young child over Desktop to see those expressionist Backgrounds.
Some will be scared for sure...
Or we live in a new age that the more "sweeter" tone of picture, Tom & Jerry
kind of design and similar is vanished for good from the face of the
- Soon enough, this kind of stuff that put all us on our legs from our
cradles in all our childhoods actually, will not be good for our children
anymore, we have now the whole new stuff to show them and learn, certainly
more aggressive one, or a little bit more sicky to cherish their little
young and loving minds - whoa', maybe we will certainly have more chance and
opportunity to create a future little criminal mind over this world...
And, to come back via Windows 7...
Finally, now the Windows Explorer looks much better than in Windows Vista.
Do not get me wrong, the Windows Explorer in Windows Vista comes with some
good ideas, but, some main things were totally slowed users in generally.
- Finally we have arrows again to go Backward-Forward, furthermore, finally
I see the main HDD or Partition letters more clearly and handy, and last,
when I want that all my folders via my PC have a View-List, he will not
change that ever by himself autonomously (Vista always change that, after
few days, as Vista like it, and not as user like it, no matter what you do,
press, set about that option, etc.)
And last two cherries on the top about Windows Explorer in Vista: When you
work with folders or files with very long names, if you do not put Windows
Explorer window on max. size, well, quite often the whole files (with that
long names), in some folders, simply vanished from the screen, but appeared
again really OK, the moment when you resize the Windows Explorer window to
more in it size...
Than the Windows Explorer forcing "beauty" that every time forces files to
be automatically in alphabetically order, when I put some file in some
folder, he automatically and instantly, no matter what, put this file right
into alphabetical order, but, sometimes I do not want that he do that just
momentarily / instantly / automatically, as long I go out from that folder,
and go back in it, then he normally rearrange everything into nice
Alphabetical order...
And, of course, the so bitter subject, the almighty and bad voiced, his
kingdom, the Administrator Account in Vista.
- Ok, he is deactivate by default because a security reason, because users
repeatedly forget to put a strong password on it, because, it is a generally
a security issue by it self..
- But, when, and if you, for some reason, finally activate it back, why
users must see the Admin Account Name via normal & regular Login window,
just every single time when they open their Computer?!
I mean, they know which persona maintain their PC, their know who is their
Admin, but why you forcing them to look some stupid name of their
Administrator on the Screen just every single time when they engage their
Computers, why Admin Account cannot have the option, if he is really
activated, to be seen only in Vista / Win7 Safe Mode!?
This is old stuff, this we all have in MSWinXP OS totally legally
This was great and such a self-explanatory option. And you ruin it, well, at
least if Vista is not in some Corporate Network surroundings.
And finally, well, I like Windows 7 in generally, it is much better than
But, the Outlook Express / Windows Mail is the major mistake to remove it,
and than you will getting it back for 2-3 years, forcing all us that we will
buy next version of Windows to get back something that we previously have
already for years and pay for it, even repeatedly in already numerous
Windows OS versions, from past till now.
And I really and unfortunately believe in nightmare, that you will really
and finally launched Window 7 without it, and than put it back for 2-3
years, by some SP maybe, or, like I say it already, in a first version of
Windows OS that will follow after Windows 7 - as the users will demanding it
for sure!
- My question is why removing it in the first place?
- Why you do not let your users to decide whether they want to use online
version - the MS VLM, or the same offline way MS OE/MS WM client, like all
this years?
- Why you want to make again the "warm water" with something that works
flawlessly for years, and why now, when you finally reached security level
on stable and nice hold with it?!
This all "eradically" changes are so dreadfully, torture and headache for
your users, and, if you remind me again with inevitable migration of e-mail
database, I want to shut my head...
Nevertheless, I am experienced user; I work via IT field for years by now,
just, go ask some average user about e-mails.
- Backup, transferring, migration, and, you believe that, disregard all
that, they will be happy to keep their most personal e-mails stuff on some
distant Server via MS WLM?
- Yes, people use their GMails, yes, people use the Yahoo Mails and
similar - yes, they are all based via some distant Server to keep such an
e-mails of them, but for totally personal or even business e-mails, I think
that they will rather keep all that, still and totally in old fashion way
offline, in their very own computers, and still do Backup of it of their
own, or with help of more experienced IT users, if they do not know how to
perform a Backup of it, or similar. Period.
And you will say, use MS Outlook instead, or some third party e-mail client.
There are plenty enough over market.
- Which part of the story you did not understand, people like the way they
do things for years.
Don't you think that for that kind of purpose - to just eliminate MS OE/MS
WM of the face of Win OS, you need to scribe, even some Referendum as much
Referendum in the real government!
I think that MS OE/MS WM is much important for many MS Win User people over
Globe, and that this fact deserve really respect even by you in MS, than to
just decide that they will instantly be vanished by some temporally glitch
or judgment eradicated opinion by some higher stuff personnel and his brain,
directly in Microsoft.
What's next on my opinion...
The Windows Vista Start Orb is much nicer for me than the new Windows 7
Start Orb - I do not know why, maybe because Windows 7 has to excessive
bright-pastel-bleached colors, but, this is just a cosmetic issue and
private opinion of my own all here, many will like it...
~ Best regards to all!!!
client of mine!
To be absolutely honest, all my most private and business e-mails are
archived in it, in all this decade. Well, not all of them, quite
occasionally I erase funny attachments, stuff that use most of the size of
this e-mail database of mine...

So, in a decade I accumulate some 700MB of the cumulative e-mail database!
- Yes, Outlook Express is still surprisingly fast, believe me or not, well,
I still did not rich 2GB size limit problem...

- And I had newer ever have problems with it, corrupt e-mail database, or
any similar!!!
- And I know that someone will be shocked with this of my testimony and size

But, I attend and want that my important and very personal e-mails be
offline, and not on some XY Server in some XY country.
Call me paranoid about "Big Brother", call me old fashion, call me ignorant
about data safety and advances known today about keeping e-mails on some
Secure double HDD safe-backuped Server far, far away, but, disregard
everything, I regularly, one time in a month, backup my e-mails on my PC,
and I still want to do that on this way...
Disregard everything that I wrote...
First in Win Vista you stripped from Windows Mail the "Contacts Layout" -
even that was catastrophic enough - it crippled me and slower me by 50% all
this time till today!
Than you offered the more crippled gadget for this kind of purpose, which
was very bad actually - for e.g., I do not like the idea, that, just
everybody can see just every time at my screen, in any place that I travel /
go with my laptop, a personal names of my friends, collages, etc..., in a
direct gadget over my Screen, and second, well, this gadget limit size by
80% of our Contacts on the screen...
Now, when I finally though that Windows 7 will finally clean puberty
escapades of Microsoft software developers that eat to much sugar and
implode in their excessive art gift nature, you brink the No more MS
Outlook Express / MS Windows Mail - the MS WLM or MS Outlook rulez ONLY, at
least concerning our Software products directly!!!

I mean, what will be next that you will strip that we use for years by now!?
Well, people sometimes like changes in IT, but, as long you do not use their
conformity and took again the precious time for learning, work with
something that works flawlessly for years / decade by now. - instead of
that, give the possibility to have the previous way of doing things, and
newest way, so let them to decide at their end computer just every single
time with your finished product - The OS. Do not took them a leg, instead of
that, let them to decide whether they will walk still with two of them, or
even more of them!

Also, I know that it is not a theme here to talking about that, but, the
some "drawing" Wallpapers (newly named officially as "Backgrounds"), that
you deploy with Win7 RC is, honestly, offal. - Those "plastic babies" for
e.g. are even scary for some children!
This art expression backgrounds in generally are a little bit odd in fact...
Question for Microsoft workers - I presume that some of this backgrounds is
made for children, well, do any Microsoft worker have a child actually?
Go put your young child over Desktop to see those expressionist Backgrounds.
Some will be scared for sure...
Or we live in a new age that the more "sweeter" tone of picture, Tom & Jerry
kind of design and similar is vanished for good from the face of the
- Soon enough, this kind of stuff that put all us on our legs from our
cradles in all our childhoods actually, will not be good for our children
anymore, we have now the whole new stuff to show them and learn, certainly
more aggressive one, or a little bit more sicky to cherish their little
young and loving minds - whoa', maybe we will certainly have more chance and
opportunity to create a future little criminal mind over this world...

And, to come back via Windows 7...
Finally, now the Windows Explorer looks much better than in Windows Vista.
Do not get me wrong, the Windows Explorer in Windows Vista comes with some
good ideas, but, some main things were totally slowed users in generally.
- Finally we have arrows again to go Backward-Forward, furthermore, finally
I see the main HDD or Partition letters more clearly and handy, and last,
when I want that all my folders via my PC have a View-List, he will not
change that ever by himself autonomously (Vista always change that, after
few days, as Vista like it, and not as user like it, no matter what you do,
press, set about that option, etc.)
And last two cherries on the top about Windows Explorer in Vista: When you
work with folders or files with very long names, if you do not put Windows
Explorer window on max. size, well, quite often the whole files (with that
long names), in some folders, simply vanished from the screen, but appeared
again really OK, the moment when you resize the Windows Explorer window to
more in it size...
Than the Windows Explorer forcing "beauty" that every time forces files to
be automatically in alphabetically order, when I put some file in some
folder, he automatically and instantly, no matter what, put this file right
into alphabetical order, but, sometimes I do not want that he do that just
momentarily / instantly / automatically, as long I go out from that folder,
and go back in it, then he normally rearrange everything into nice
Alphabetical order...
And, of course, the so bitter subject, the almighty and bad voiced, his
kingdom, the Administrator Account in Vista.
- Ok, he is deactivate by default because a security reason, because users
repeatedly forget to put a strong password on it, because, it is a generally
a security issue by it self..
- But, when, and if you, for some reason, finally activate it back, why
users must see the Admin Account Name via normal & regular Login window,
just every single time when they open their Computer?!
I mean, they know which persona maintain their PC, their know who is their
Admin, but why you forcing them to look some stupid name of their
Administrator on the Screen just every single time when they engage their
Computers, why Admin Account cannot have the option, if he is really
activated, to be seen only in Vista / Win7 Safe Mode!?
This is old stuff, this we all have in MSWinXP OS totally legally
This was great and such a self-explanatory option. And you ruin it, well, at
least if Vista is not in some Corporate Network surroundings.

And finally, well, I like Windows 7 in generally, it is much better than
But, the Outlook Express / Windows Mail is the major mistake to remove it,
and than you will getting it back for 2-3 years, forcing all us that we will
buy next version of Windows to get back something that we previously have
already for years and pay for it, even repeatedly in already numerous
Windows OS versions, from past till now.
And I really and unfortunately believe in nightmare, that you will really
and finally launched Window 7 without it, and than put it back for 2-3
years, by some SP maybe, or, like I say it already, in a first version of
Windows OS that will follow after Windows 7 - as the users will demanding it
for sure!
- My question is why removing it in the first place?
- Why you do not let your users to decide whether they want to use online
version - the MS VLM, or the same offline way MS OE/MS WM client, like all
this years?
- Why you want to make again the "warm water" with something that works
flawlessly for years, and why now, when you finally reached security level
on stable and nice hold with it?!
This all "eradically" changes are so dreadfully, torture and headache for
your users, and, if you remind me again with inevitable migration of e-mail
database, I want to shut my head...
Nevertheless, I am experienced user; I work via IT field for years by now,
just, go ask some average user about e-mails.
- Backup, transferring, migration, and, you believe that, disregard all
that, they will be happy to keep their most personal e-mails stuff on some
distant Server via MS WLM?
- Yes, people use their GMails, yes, people use the Yahoo Mails and
similar - yes, they are all based via some distant Server to keep such an
e-mails of them, but for totally personal or even business e-mails, I think
that they will rather keep all that, still and totally in old fashion way
offline, in their very own computers, and still do Backup of it of their
own, or with help of more experienced IT users, if they do not know how to
perform a Backup of it, or similar. Period.
And you will say, use MS Outlook instead, or some third party e-mail client.
There are plenty enough over market.
- Which part of the story you did not understand, people like the way they
do things for years.
Don't you think that for that kind of purpose - to just eliminate MS OE/MS
WM of the face of Win OS, you need to scribe, even some Referendum as much
Referendum in the real government!

I think that MS OE/MS WM is much important for many MS Win User people over
Globe, and that this fact deserve really respect even by you in MS, than to
just decide that they will instantly be vanished by some temporally glitch
or judgment eradicated opinion by some higher stuff personnel and his brain,
directly in Microsoft.
What's next on my opinion...
The Windows Vista Start Orb is much nicer for me than the new Windows 7
Start Orb - I do not know why, maybe because Windows 7 has to excessive
bright-pastel-bleached colors, but, this is just a cosmetic issue and
private opinion of my own all here, many will like it...

~ Best regards to all!!!