Greetings folks -
Just some info here, and a domain warning. I was deep cleaning my
machine and found a Vb script file, and AVG popped up a warning,
calling the file "JS/Psyme.E.DROPPED". Lots of people use my machine,
unfortunately, so I don't know where it came from. I opened the file
in notepad and viewed the script contents. There is a reference to
download the following infamous file (WARNING - don't run this):
http://www.stopannoyingpopups.com/jbe1/winpup32.exe .
Checked out the site, and it looks like they're pushing a pop-up
blocker product. But the product is a separate download file. So...
my question is: did someone hijack the site and place this EXE out
there, or is this company just dishonest and installing spy-ware?
- Dave
Just some info here, and a domain warning. I was deep cleaning my
machine and found a Vb script file, and AVG popped up a warning,
calling the file "JS/Psyme.E.DROPPED". Lots of people use my machine,
unfortunately, so I don't know where it came from. I opened the file
in notepad and viewed the script contents. There is a reference to
download the following infamous file (WARNING - don't run this):
http://www.stopannoyingpopups.com/jbe1/winpup32.exe .
Checked out the site, and it looks like they're pushing a pop-up
blocker product. But the product is a separate download file. So...
my question is: did someone hijack the site and place this EXE out
there, or is this company just dishonest and installing spy-ware?
- Dave