Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score

So I have been looking around at different PSU's. Currently I have a 450w but want to upgrade my gaming PC as i am getting a higher end graphics card, was thinking about 600w or 750w.

I have seen some 750w for £18 and others for over £100 my question is what is the difference? How will the £18 one not do its job as well as the £100 one?

What PSU's do you have good experiences with and what do you think the best PSU is for under £50?

This is useful for calculating power usage.

I have a Corsair PSU very quiet and reputedly very very good.

You only get what you pay for :)

I'd recommend Corsair, Sea-Sonic and Be Quiet PSU's.

I always use Corsair now.

Modular PSU's will cost a little more. If you're not bothered about having spare attached cables inside your case get a non-modular PSU, it will save you money.

650W is a good all round size.

I have this one, Corsair non-modular 650W PSU at around £80.00 plus postage, in my AMD system and can recommend it.
Lets put things into perspective.

High tensile steel screwdriver


plastic flexible childs screwdriver


as we say. " u get what you pay for."

Cr*p is cr*p it will heat up and damage it's self and/or your system
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