Christo said:
back to the topic please can i have a definative answer..
can i use a 20-pin psu on a board that requires a 24-pin psu, without using
an adapter?
I want to try bare minimum with this psu to rule out board failure
ie, graphics, mem, cpu, the graphics are pci-e, gf7600gs,
is this ok or not?
please give me an answer
Paul wrote a definitive answer on that
thread:is this FSP power supply any good ? FSP350-60THN-P (or too low
on the 12v?)
ng: alt.comp.hardware.overclocking
thread: 24 pin ATX power vs 20 pin
ng: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
From what I recall of those posts and googling I had done, the answer
to your question is Yes (it won't blow your comp up or harm it)..
but there may be a but
Here is a 20-24 pin adaptor, you see it is just aesthetics!!!
the 24-20 pin isn't aeesthetics. But that's not relevant to you.
But, I recall from those posts by Paul, something along the lines of,
if you're using PCIe cards or powerful cards then it could potentially
be a problem, I can't remember if it was when using a 24pin PSU in a 20
pin MBRD or a 20-pin PSU in a 24pin MBRD, with an adaptor or without
an adaptor.
But in your case, with/without an adaptor is the same. Only if the
plastic adaptor melts blows it's better than the MBRD connector
(we're referring to the main connector here when we say 20 or 24 pin,
not the separate 4 pin connector , if there is one).
so, if you plug it in and turn it on, and you don't have nay powerful
cards in there, then, from what I recall from Paul's posts, it will
certainly be fine!!
I also had a problem with a Hiper PSU, 2 infact. there was a time when
they were being recommended by loads of people on uk computer
newsgruops, which is why i bought them.
Don't rely too much on what i've written here. The definitive answer is
in Paul's posts, which i've referenced here. And those pics may help in
interpreting them.