PSU problems?

Mar 17, 2009
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I have recently been having problems with my 4 year old pc such as failed boots, random crashes, video card errors and hard drive problems.

I though the first place to start was to test my PSU. The results of the PSU tester showed that everything was within range and stable with the exception of the 5v standby which fluctuates significanly. Sometimes below range but more often above range.

I understand what the 5vSB does and hence would not normally expect it to cause the problems mentioned above. Even if it is above or below voltage.

What I was wondering is if it is constantly fluctuating all over the place could this be the cause of my problems?

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or ideas?
Depends how much it's fluctuating.

All computer PSU rails will fluctuate according to how much current is drawn upon them by the machine.

For the 5V rail to go up and down is normal.

If it's kinda extreme though, say between 3V & 5.5V, I'd say suspect the PSU.

I'd look more to an operating system problem but that's only an educated guess on the info available.
I've had the same problem with two pc's lately. In that the sata cable to the hdd have been working themselves loose causing failures. Push gently on the little bleeders and everything is ok for a while.

Thanks floppybootstomp,

The 5vSB fluctuates between 4.5v and 6.3v in abour half a second. it constantly changes between this range. Would this lead you to suspect the PSU? I assume from your previous post that it would?

once again thanks for your reply
Considering a PSU is one of the easier computer components to "swap-out" and, one of the most capable of causing damage ... I'd swap it out for a know good working unit. ;)

That is what most "computer diagnostics" is all about.

weebigman said:
Thanks floppybootstomp,

The 5vSB fluctuates between 4.5v and 6.3v in abour half a second. it constantly changes between this range. Would this lead you to suspect the PSU? I assume from your previous post that it would?

once again thanks for your reply

I've just checked mine out:

The Corsair 620W modular (on the machine in my sig) is rock solid steady at 4.99V

The Corsair 650W non-modular on my AMD system is rock solid steady at 5.08V

The Jeantech 350W non-modular (and very old) PSU on my media machine is fluctuating between 4.98 and 5.1 volts.

On that evidence, I'd say suspect your PSU is faulty or at best dying.

And it's worth mentioning that sometimes when PSU's fail, they can do so quite spectacularly and cause quite catastrophic damage.
Like - bang! crackle, fizz, sparks, smoke, smell, goodbye motherboard and video card...

Not that I'm trying to be a scaremonger or anything ;)