Gordon said:
So what's the worst that happens if i plug an X700 ATI AGP or NVidia6600 GT
in my Compaq with a 220 Watt power supply?
The *worst* that happens is that the power supply dies a horrible death
and takes many other computer components with it.
The more likely scenario is that the system does not boot due to
insufficient power.
A less likely scenario is that it boots and seems to work, except when
you get into 3D games/watching DVD's where the system locks up/is unstable.
The least likely scenario is that everything works fine. 6600GT's and
the new X series of Radeons draw heavily on the 12V line, I suspect if
you open up the case, look at the label on the side of the PSU at the
+12V, +5V and +3.3V amp values you'll find that they're all fairly low
which won't allow (reliably) for modern graphics cards.