Psd99's Project Ideas

Feb 6, 2003
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Hi everyone

part of my degree involves doing some sort of major project

this is something I must work on with my own initiative over the coming months and allows me to get my honours and has big impact on my class.

sucn ideas could be from networking, internet, maths, control
something along these fields
my degree title is computer systems engineering

I am a bit stuck right now because I have to decide on what i have to do

ppl tell me to stick to what i enjoy and what im good at
but i really do not beleive I am good at anything
i do enjoy maths but this could prove to be v v tough to do a project on.

the ideas are infinite
some ppl are doing programming to design new things

i need something which will NOT involve programming of any sort

just wondering if anyone on this site had any ideas as to what i should do?

have you done something like this before?

if you have any ideas please list them on here please.

p.s here are some modules i have studied in the past:

Computer networks
Web Technnology
Computer Graphics
Software Engineering
What sort of thing can you do for the project, are there any examples that other people are doing for ideas on the scale of things?
A step by step quide to networking for idiots . Showing in detail 98 to XP , 98 to XP Pro etc . Including wireless and how to configure e-mail etc etc .

Do it in pictures and present it on DVD as a slideshow with a voice over for the more complicated bits .

Keep the intelectual rights and copyright etc .

Get yer degree and then market the DVD .

Retire to paradise .


My commision should you take up this idea would be a lowly 0.1% of sales . ;)
Online communities. Thats what i did my final year disertation on and Mr Admin was very helpful. That was two years ago, and since then, online communites have rocketed!! Think of all the social networks, MSN, Myspace, Bebo, Youtube etc etc etc etc.

Could let you see my disertation if you want to see if you fancy it. I know how tough it is to make the decision, as you know thats what you have to study for month!!!! :-)
that does sound a good idea, however how advanced could actually one go into detailing networking on different os's?
could you extend more on the email part please?

Bodhi that online community does sound good but the flaw with this is that it will involve some sort of php
which means PROGRAMMING of some sort
but any other ideas to extend on this?

A website may be a good idea but im not sure which direction i could take it into.

Thank you for your thoughts guys
im told that I have to make the decision within 5 - 7 days

Detail for idiots is quite important , and believe me out there in the real world there are loads of idiots . I've been tyring to set up a simple usb to usb cable on my pc . i've got it to work once very well . Now I can't get it to work . I've hunted the net and found loads of info . However they all either make assumptions or the pictures they show do not match up with what shows on my pc's . This is very confusing and most people would give up and seek help if this happens . I keep on trying but its like wandering around in a fog .

The same sort of info is given for setting up e-mail on a pc let alone including it in networking . I can't use the e-mail facility in FireFox because I can't set up Outlook express ,I've tried and I just can't get the right info inputted and can't seem to find the info to let me help myself . POP IMAP HTTP its all verey very confusing . So I use AOL which makes life a little slower but at least I can send e-mails and know they are secure . I don't particularly want to use Outlook as I believe its a security risk , but lots of people do want to use it . I'm going to use Thunderbird when I can get around to studying how to set it up .

You want an example of how difficult instructions can be to follow . Click on the link ,

See the picture for the Device Manager , shows a highlighted "high speed USB Cable " well yes this shows up in my XP PRO pc but not in my XP Home pc .
Go to page 4 and see the Device Manager picture . The highlighted " USB-USB Network Adapter " shows up in both my versions of XP .
So whats going on I've used the same cable driver disc on both machines but my results don't match the guide I'm following . So I'm back to going around in circles .

Another example , I know its from the same site but all the guides Ive looked at are pretty much the same

The first picture on page two matches both my pc's , except I don't have firwire on one of the pc's.
The second picture , yes it matches my XP Pro pc . However when I follow the instructions to double click the network icon on my XP Home pc do I see that picture . No I do not I see picture three . So whats going on , as an idiot I'm lost yet again wandering around in a fog .

Those are just examples of how helpful guides are and I'm not doing anything complicated . Or trying to go from 98 to XP or any of the other Windows permutations . So what chance do I have of setting up a router . Will it be safe and secure . Will I ever get it to work or will someone find me hunched over my pc with my white beared trailing on th e floor muttering I know it will work if only ...........

I didnt mean actually creating a website mate, i didn't do any programming, i just analysed sites that were already up and running. Which is how i came to know about PC Review. Its a big topic, you could look at things like why social networking has taken off, what makes a site successful etc etc. Thats the direction i took mine in. You could also look at LURKERS!! They are a strange bunch that i couldnt get any conclusions on. If you ask Ian how many people are registered compared with how many people post, i bet the vast majority of people dont post. You can see this if you look at the VIEWS compared to the REPLIES.

hi mate
that is a good idea

but yet it seems very easy to do
if i did something like that at the best i could acheive a mark of 50-60% and this in my posistion is not enough

Why, are you sitting on a crap mark at the moment? I got a 2:1 in my degree and that was my dissertation.
bodhi said:
Why, are you sitting on a crap mark at the moment? I got a 2:1 in my degree and that was my dissertation.

something like that
sometimes I find myself fighting to the death

and in this case it is like that
I never give up
The effect of the Simpsons on the intelectual and moral conciousness of the people of the planet earth . How an entity spawned of a moment of insanity and created by tools of the digital age and spread like a virus through the medium of the internet and sattelite TV . Considering whether this has had a benificial or detrimental effect upon mankind .

you must be joking right?


next: consider the effect of duffs bear on homer's health
psd99 said:
you must be joking right?


next: consider the effect of duffs bear on homer's health

Welllllll it was a serious proposal . Probably more people in the world watch the simpsons in a week than read the bible and all othere religious tomes . The simpson watchers also show greater devotion by viewing several times a week and regularly week afte week . This has to have a effect upon mankind and worthy of research . :D
Sorry if the following is a bit lame but how about an investigation into how the computer industry works.

Why, for instance do graphics cards manuf roll out a new faster product every six months when the average joe can't afford the last one? Do early adopters keep the computer industry alive?
And as more and more companies amalgamate (eg AMD / ATI) will there be only four companies making stuff in 3 years time?

thanks for your suggestions

I still have not decided

I have been shot at
I am in serious danger now
only time will tell what fate holds for me

im gona have a good word with a few professors this week
its serious now
Best of luck in whatever you choose. I never managed more than an English O level pass and that was grade six!


PS Although my daughter earned a First this year - gawd knows where she gets it from 'cause it sure ain't me.