PSD99 Needs A New ISP

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Hi there

currently Im with Bulldog 1mb for £30
total rip off

Just rang them up they are offering me 2mb for £9.75
GREAT but then I have to pay them line rental bascially I got to get off of BT
what are your thoughts on this?

Im thinking of changing companies any ideas for a good one?
1mb or 2mb will be good enough but main point is I wish to stick with BT!!!!


Theres a list of all of the major providers and current offers here:

Be Broadband seem quite good if you live in the catchment area, only London/Manchester/Birmingham at the moment though I think. Quite possibly going to go with them myself in a couple of weeks if the exchange is activated before I move in.
im gonna say Plusnet again, still great value for money £20/month for up to 8Mb, 15GB peak usage and unlimited off peak

and i remebered this time, PM me for a referal if you go with them
thanks for that

now with regards to plusnet or virgin can i keep the same phone line?

yes BT is an option for me if there price is good

thanks admin will look into that page

only problem i can see if i do change is that 20-30 days without broadband that could prove to be very difficult!!!
psd99 said:
thanks for that

now with regards to plusnet or virgin can i keep the same phone line?

yes BT is an option for me if there price is good

thanks admin will look into that page

only problem i can see if i do change is that 20-30 days without broadband that could prove to be very difficult!!!
Yes, you need a BT line for Virgin :thumb:
Other plus point is no long contract with virgin, more at
when i rang them earlier the first bloke was a walk over the second seemed to be very persistent!!!

I explained that I dont wish to go ahead im just enquiring and he told me to rest assured that im not going ahead.
he was filling out this online form and told me im not commited but there will be a letter in the post to which I have to sign and send back only then am I commited!!!

Well upon looking at my email just now it looks like they have put an order through and its almost as if I am commited
I do have seven days to cancel so I will ring them monday and stress that I dont wish to go ahead!

Its a real shame because I have not had many problems with Bulldog and if they offered me a 2mb line for less than £30 and not making me change phone companies I would really go ahead with them!!:)

bloody new company policies make me feel sick sometimes!
Well, I'm with BT ... actually, it's called BT Yahoo ... it is the only "provider" in my area, my street to be more precise, that can provide what I needed.

Belive me I looked around ... and I either got, Sorry we do not supply there, or 512 max, err and on the same line, you must have this 'package' you must stand on your head ... huh?

And NO, they are not the cheapest but the 'others' cannot supply me what I "need". Eventually I will get 6gbit for the same price, too far away to get the full 8gbit ... just waiting. ;)

End of story. :)
muckshifter said:
Well, I'm with BT ... actually, it's called BT Yahoo ... it is the only "provider" in my area, my street to be more precise, that can provide what I needed.

Belive me I looked around ... and I either got, Sorry we do not supply there, or 512 max, err and on the same line, you must have this 'package' you must stand on your head ... huh?

And NO, they are not the cheapest but the 'others' cannot supply me what I "need". Eventually I will get 6gbit for the same price, too far away to get the full 8gbit ... just waiting. ;)

End of story. :)

thats quite interesting

I mean you would have thought that it being the year 2006 and how common broadband is that you would have more options than ONE!

What is your price then?
well I admitted my shame its just too expensive right now!
Oh, I can have more than one provider ... but it still has to use my BT phoneline. ;)

Im paying £24 for 2mb. unlimited though. Although sometimes it downloads at over 300kb/s, maybe because it is cable, or maybe im just in a good area.
well i just rang em up and CANCELLED

cant be dealing with them
it took 30 mins to actually get through
totally appauled

looks like i may have to stick to the £30 for a bit more time
but im definetly looking to change because bulldog dont longer allow customers to keep their BT lines
this is really ridicilous
truly appauled!

I would stay away from them!
i have been with bulldog for 9 months and am still waiting for a bill. after checking their site i found out that my current ballance is over £300, but still no sign of any request for payment. it is starting to P**s me off
Over here, $70 (NZ) for 2MBs with 10Gig monthly bandwidth limit.
I am on the highest MB/s available

Faster or cheaper(for that speed) Broadband just doesn't exist.

Telecom owns all the hardware, any other ISP (or telephone company) has to hire from them.
sorta limits competition just a bit :rolleyes:

New bill just going through parliment to break Telecom's monopoly so hopefully prices will start comming down & speeds going up.
Telecom's not going to like that bite!