PS3 Fact or Fiction

Feb 14, 2007
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I know this is a PC review but I need to know! I have tried on other sites but its a bit like :wall:

Does the PS3 play PS2 and PSONE games? Is it backward compatible :confused:

Will Sony also make wireless controllers for all games.... wireless guitars, microhones... it would be wrong to have the wireless option and them not to use it.
You should have a read of the PS3 Wiki here. That will give you a few answers to your questions, but we may not know for sure until its released......

ohh, you guys dont have the PS3 there yet?
as far as games go, gutair hero 1 and 2 WONT play on a ps 3
the controllers are wireless but dont have rumble anymore (patent infringment last time)
Alf said:
ohh, you guys dont have the PS3 there yet?

No, we don't.

Which is one of the many reasons why, as far as I'm concerned, Sony can go forth and multiply :)

At least six times a day, that is one despicable company.
you mean your not interested in the system in the bit?
Alf said:
you mean your not interested in the system in the bit?

Nope, not at all. I'm personally boycotting Sony ever since that root kit on audio discs fiasco, naff laptop batteries and other stuff.

They're arrogant and think they can treat us all like crap.

Well, not this boy.

X-Box looks good, but it's MS.

Nintendo Wee-Wee, I guess, if ever I had to choose a console.

Although, tbh, I'm quite happy with PC for games, apart, maybe, from not being able to play CoD 3 :mad:
to tell you the truth, nintendo wii is dont the best here in the states. Its almost impossible to find a wii in store, but u can still find a PS 3 :D