PS2 help

Mar 21, 2005
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just got to lend a ps2 with games.

All the games look fine.

but i can,t get past configurations setting on my ps2.

Nothing will load and there 16mb mem card with it aswell.
michael555 said:
drive not reading any disc at all in that browser part.

I can tell it,s the drive.

Well the lazer would be in the drive. Why not try one of them disk/lazer/drive cleaning things. Lazer only needs a tiny spec on it for it not to read disks. Is the drive making any sort of noises ? Can you hear the disks spinning up ?
I have in past used meths and a cotton bud. I dont use the cleaners all they do is brush it off and throw it elsewhere they can scratch lens aswell.

Upto you though if you feel confident enough to open it up and deal with it i guess
TriplexDread said:
I have in past used meths and a cotton bud.

Likewise, have done the same wtih C/DVD players and DVD's on Pc's. Will also give you time to see that there isn't any dust stoopping the lazer from resseting to its stop. Again just a few specs stopping this will stop the lazer and through up disk read errors. Even down to buid up of dust on thespin wheel causes all kinds of poo...
I'm not sure why you need to play with the configuration settings as they would have been set by whoever you got the ps from. I would try this...put a game into the drawer and close it. Then pull the plug. Then plug it back in and power it up with the disc in the console. Let the game initialise itself and it should kick off by itself. If there was any probs with the lazer it would give you a faulty disc or disc not read error message on screen and wouldnt do anything until you reset it.
When you plug it back in and power it up you should hear the disc speed ramping up as Madx said. If its not spinning then there maybe summat else wrong.
Also try taking out the memory card before you try messing about with the above.

Lets know how ya get on.
